Recent content by Escapist

  1. Escapist

    Florida Powerfest with Theocracy

    You said you're fourteen, correct? You write quite well for that age! My stuff sounded like Evanescence rip-offs back then, bah! lol (Perhaps they weren't that bad, but I'd not post them for people to read now! lol)
  2. Escapist


    For anyone who wished to read the article but couldn't speak German, my cousin translated it: Here's what she said: Wow. This article isn't pulling any punches. It basically says this (I'm taking some liberties here to avoid explaining colloquial phrases): ________ "Laying Europe To...
  3. Escapist

    Cornerstone Festival

    Oh, no, no! I was talking about myself as the random chick. Hey, I think I remember you, though. At least I remember a girl weaving around the front taking pics some. :)
  4. Escapist


    I'm sure they appreciate honest feedback written in love, even if it's not pleasant to swallow.
  5. Escapist

    Cornerstone Festival

    I actually went to Cornerstone to see Theocracy. I thought the show had a pretty decent quality crowd. There weren't huge numbers, but I think the whole festival had gone to the Crucified show or something. Everyone who attended really enjoyed it, and I heard nothing but positive things...
  6. Escapist

    new Narnia album: Course of a Generation

    I <3 Narnia! I don't have that album, though... *puts it on my list of need-to-get's*
  7. Escapist

    Theocracy T-shirt sightings

    I WOULD be wearing mine except it's at my friend Monica's house...who lives several hours away... I've not seen/been able to wear it since Cornerstone. >.<
  8. Escapist

    How many band members?

    Yeah...for being from Mississippi, I'm fairly stickler on correct English... :D I promise it's all in love, though! :)
  9. Escapist

    Need the 1st Theocracy album?

    LOLOLOLOL Wow, I had to crack up at that one...
  10. Escapist

    New Song!

    Did y'all play that at Cornerstone? I'm trying to remember...I have a photographic memory of your setlist, just not of what was on it, lol. This song's awesome, though. \m/
  11. Escapist

    So I was playing my game today and ...

  12. Escapist

    Need the 1st Theocracy album?

    It's not offensive around here. It's quite embraced. Country people are awesome. Rednecks are not. Well, I take that back. Redneck women are fantastic. It's the boys, especially the unmarried ones, that I really REALLY don't care for. >.< Since moving to the hill country outside of the delta...
  13. Escapist

    Need the 1st Theocracy album?

    It's just the culture here. :) We polite, never-offensive (Well, unless you're a redneck.)
  14. Escapist

    Q's for Theocracy

    1) *smacks forehead* Oops. I forget these things... 2) :D 3) Just pointing out how the moon probably really doesn't like the know, like that quote, "I like you like the moon likes stars." Yeah. 4) YAY!!! I've downloaded all of them...though I actually had most of I...
  15. Escapist

    Quick question for band members

    Bahahahaha It'll be infused with Star Wars and Zelda medley done in "do-do-do's" also, I'm sure. :P