Recent content by ESPThrasher

  1. E

    Need CoB Tickets Los Angeles

    Im 16 So driving FAR is out of the option, And Im actually trying the Galaxy but it seems as if those are gone too... Anyways Judas Priest Anthrax Tonight, I just got my GWAR tickets and my Arch Enemy ones. So pretty cool, All i need now is to see
  2. E


    I feel ya, I need some for the LA show... =( Usually people check back and trade in tickets and stuff but I have my doubts for this one
  3. E

    Need Ticket =(

    Man I crapped out for the CoB show at LA and now when I have enough cash Its sold out...:ill: Anyone please get back at me if you have an extra ticket or something....
  4. E

    Need CoB Tickets Los Angeles

    :ill: :erk: I crapped out and had no cash, now when I have the cash the damn show is sold out... =(