Recent content by executioner

  1. executioner

    Heavy Metal guitar

    I likes it
  2. executioner

    What r u Listening to?

    Right now....Halloween the Terrortory album
  3. executioner

    I'M NEW!

    Hails and horns Si, and welcome
  4. executioner

    New guy needs help

    If the guitar is new, the compare prices at and that will give you a general idea of a decent retail price
  5. executioner

    Hi from SEGRESSION!!

    Hails and horns Adz...I'm Geoff from the US band Axemaster...nice to meet you.
  6. executioner


    Welcome to the forum, it's a bit slow around here so help make it more active and stop by a lot! Hails and horns metal brother
  7. executioner

    Learning vocals.

    I see that you are not getting much, sorry about that. Couple of questions for you before any advice. How much experience do you have singing, not metal vocals, but actually singing. 2nd...have you ever had any vocal lessons at all.
  8. executioner

    What happened to Thrash early 90's ?

    people change and want things. So hence bands change, but it would you.need to look outside the same bands you mentioned in the original post. As a matter of fact don't ever count on any single band to maintain the same sound 100% of their career if they go more than one album...
  9. executioner

    The last 5-10 albums you listened to

    Fight - a small deadly space True Metal Lives - doorway to the unknown Argus - boldly stride the doomed Celtic Frost - monotheist The Gingerdead Men - paper leviathan Hocico - Silent Wrath TIMMY AND THE LORDS OF.THE UNDERWORLD.
  10. executioner

    Hey from Australia

    Hail and horns, welcome to the world of metal
  11. executioner

    Hello from Missouri

    Hail and horns sister
  12. executioner

    Canadian Report: OUGH! Edition

    It's actually quite amazing how many bands there are out there who play rpgs or magic. Magic is as much a thinking mans game as poker or chess, it requires thought and strategy and the reading of tells of other players.
  13. executioner

    Canadian Report: OUGH! Edition

    Now If I had known this we could have had a good old fashion round table throw Although the decks I had these days don't compare to anything I used to play back in the day. LOL....thank you for your brutal yet undefined comment