Recent content by ExistenZer0

  1. E


    TOP_OPTH_FAN is obviously a troll, and an 'English's foreign for him'-excuse would not be valid, 'go back to skewl...' would though, as far as I know, English is getting taught from pretty early on in school in Germany for everyone.
  2. E


    I really like Lights Out, but I think it's much too long-drawn partially, best example is Expire
  3. E


    Duncan Patterson never sang any Antimatter stuff as far as I know, and he's not in the band anymore, it's just Mick Moss. Antimatter is amazing stuff! I'd suggest anyone who's only heard Saviour to check out Planetary Confinement, it's very different. It's mostly acoustic, and very beautiful...
  4. E

    "The Roundhouse Tapes" Review

    I suck at translating but whatever
  5. E

    Regntunga Skyar

    It's a very common chord that's played there, and the rhythm is nothing unusual, I'd guess a lot of guitar players stumble upon that riff :notworthy
  6. E

    Is this Jonas Renkse on the upcoming Ayreon album?

    When I listened it and read that thread, I was wondering if they're all deaf or something with most of these guesses, sounds to me soo clearly to be Jonas. But maybe I'm the deaf one lol And the roar at the end sounds a bit like the vocals he did in October Tide.
  7. E

    Opeth's music has fallen victim to the Loudness War

    Yeah, I just found it funny here. The new Mikael Akerfeldt, studio standard for all your vocal needs! OK well, I just thought this over again, and couldn't really find that much funny in this, I blame it on my sleep deprivation, excuse me, PEACE
  8. E


    they're raw, cold, life-less mechanical sounding and aggressive exactly the right suit for the music iyam
  9. E

    The Apostle In Triumph - Meaning of the Song

    uhm he's whispering "in solitude I wander", and not "Judah fucked up" or some shit o.o'
  10. E

    FAST Windowpane

    I just listened to Face Of Melinda, Harvest and In My Time Of Need in double speed, and then in original tempo again... MAN, original tempo feels really fuckin' slow after listening to it sped up.
  11. E


    I'm pretty sure the idea hadn't been done yet.
  12. E

    First Music You Ever Bought

    I was something like 9-10 :P
  13. E


    Done with MS Paint. Maybe someone superior to me can make something out of the idea, I know I suck.
  14. E

    Easiest Opeth song?
