Recent content by Faded

  1. F

    EQ on channel vs EQ on group

    Well... So I did an A/B test with 2 different plugins... printed the results, and flipped the phase. complete cancellation, no sound came out. Should have thought about it before writing this thread. Guess it really is time to switch to different drugs after all. :)
  2. F

    EQ on channel vs EQ on group

    I'm not sure if it's my imagination or is there an actual difference when EQing for example guitars or overheads, the same process sounds a bit different when doing it on the L/R channels than doing it on a group. It sounds usually like EQing the channel is a bit cleaner/tighter than doing it...
  3. F

    Adding some ring/overtone to the snare

    pretty much what i thought.. thanks and yeah fuck samples - but fuck even more bad drummers.
  4. F

    Adding some ring/overtone to the snare

    It's probably more a rock thing than metal, but I do love some overtone coming from the snare, makes it a bit more natural IMO. I'm wondering if anyone here has a good technique for actually adding some overtones to a dead acoustic snares or to a punchy/dry samples (like most Slate samples...
  5. F

    Mixing Metalcore (Multitracks)

    Gave my self an hour now to work on it now... not monitors, just shit pc speakers. that's what i got after this hour:
  6. F

    Pantera - Cowboys from Hell cover, live performance w/video

    Hey, just wanted to share a song I tracked and mixed as a promo for the Israeli annual Dimebag Darrell tribute. Everything was recorded live during a rehearsal, vocals done separately to make my life easier. Drums and vocals tracked with EV N/DYM series mics. Bass - DI (+vst amp) Guitars - SM7b
  7. F

    Rapucore Mix Practice #2: Progressive Metal - Clayface (multitracks inside!)

    Ok.. Here's the second try, any opinions?
  8. F

    Rapucore Mix Practice #2: Progressive Metal - Clayface (multitracks inside!)

    Hey, still no vocals.. So It's just the first minute, any noticable issues so far?
  9. F

    Killswitch Engage - In Due Time (instrumental and vocal cover)

    Hey, here's my run:
  10. F

    Rapucore Mix Practice #1: Thrash Metal - A Burning Wreck (multitracks inside!)

    Hey Nice Song First mix try in this forum Trying to keep it raw.
  11. F

    Searching for someone to mix an album.

    a bit late... but it's better late them never... i'll hope to find more relevant mixes in the future. this is my work ->
  12. F

    5150 Block/sig differences

    I'm sure you've had at least 666 about the 5150 by now, but i haven't found a thread about this subject. Is there any significant difference between the Original block letter and the later Signature version? since i live in israel and there's no way i'll find here any of them, so my only...