Recent content by FadeToMuffins864

  1. F

    New Seether Album - most blatant auto-tuning ever?

    Obviously, it's not T-Payne status, but seriously, I hear poorly used autotune all over this album, which pisses me off, because Shaun Morgan can actually sing. Just check out that "Forgeeeeuhhhheeeeet" in the intro the song "Fade Out." Then Keep listening if you want to hear more of it...
  2. F

    Rate my latest mix and give some feedback on the band and video

    Maybe so, but consider that:. Humans shout when they are emotional. Humans growl sometimes when they are emotional. Humans even shriek sometimes when they are emotional. lastly, humans sing when they are emotional. The delivery and melodic phrasing have a natural ability to convey a mood...
  3. F

    Rate my latest mix and give some feedback on the band and video

    Haha. I don't know the guy and he may be a cool dude, but my general opinion of people who do inhales is that they are pussies who are too afraid/lack the motivation to learn how to do real vocals with real power and feeling. Inhales are GODAWFUL. If I was auditioning singers and a guy came...
  4. F

    Rate my latest mix and give some feedback on the band and video

    Re-do it and have the guy sing over the whole song with his clean voice. The screams are absolutely painful to listen to. Sorry if it sounds mean, but it's the absolute truth. They are not original at all, and do not sound convincing. There is absolutely no dynamics, emotion, performance, or...
  5. F

    Post Hardcore song, I need more low end in this mix, help!

    It actually sounds louder than the other one. Your snare transient is still being squashed. Also, the guitars are waaay to trebbly. Back off on the high shelf, because I hear them fighting with everything in the high end of your mix. Back to your snare drum, I'm not sure how to fix it. I...
  6. F

    Final mix tomorrow. How is it so far?

    Not a fan of the drums. They sound like a clicky metronome with no personality to the playing. Additionally, there is no audible room/verb on them. Adding some size to the drums via a room mic track or some reverb is one of the most important ways you can add some atmosphere to a recording.
  7. F

    Post Hardcore song, I need more low end in this mix, help!

    Not more bass frequencies, just more bass guitar. The bass guitar needs to provide the meat/body of the harmonic content (christmas tree) and your guitars should sit on top of it (ornaments). The cleans weren't bad, it was the screams in the beginning that sound sort of unconvincing and not...
  8. F

    Post Hardcore song, I need more low end in this mix, help!

    Needs moar bass guitar. Also mix sounds smashed to death. Also vocals need to come way up. I can tell you turned them down because you're not confident in them, and I'm not gonna lie, they could be better.
  9. F

    Mixing help for Pantera style stuff

    Not the hugest fan of the snare, but it kind of works for the mix I guess. It sounds like it's transient has been completely squashed. I'd maybe like to hear some more snare transient, but that's my only gripe.
  10. F

    First song with vocal (SD2.0, Real Amp)

    wow, there is some harshness to those vocals. You might want to tame that. I'm guessing its somewhere around 3 - 4k. Add a little verb to them also, to make them sound like they are in the space with the rest of the instruments. Sounds like you were going for a Devildriver approach with the...
  11. F

    new song roughmix - marshall jvm clippage inside

    Yup, the JVM clip sounds awesome. Also, the mix sounds awesome. Very natural, but also very clear. Great job man.
  12. F

    Hard rock mix real drums/guitar/voice/errthang

    Updated mix, in case anyone cares...
  13. F

    Hard rock mix real drums/guitar/voice/errthang

    There are some samples blended in, but they are all from the drummer's kit - no outside samples...ok...well the kick was replaced, but that's it! Give me your feedback! This is my first mix with my new Yamaha HS80m monitors, and I think it turned out pretty good! Just don't laugh at my...
  14. F

    Like The Average Stalker

    Take the compressor off of the rhythm guitars. Distorted guitars are already heavily compressed just due to the nature of what distortion does to a signal. That, plus any master bus compression you put on your mix is all you need for the guitars. They may also be a tad over-gained as well...
  15. F

    opinions on my new song?

    Holy compression batman. What is this I dont even.