Recent content by Fain

  1. F

    UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

    Hitler called, he wanted his retarded views back.
  2. F

    I just realized...

    I have those times where I just dont want to listen to Metal, and I listen to other stuff. Its pretty normal in my opinion. It happens every 1-2 months for me.
  3. F

    Gamers Thread

    Im sure Blizz will be able to make the story in a quality manner. I mean, from WC2 which was an okay storyline, especially for it being 1993 (lulz, I remember playing it at age 3) to WC3 which actually followed up and was awesome (Anyone notice it sorta went like star wars? Apprentice killing...
  4. F

    The official WORKOUT thread

    Holy shit guys, this is sweet. Im learning alot. Im about 6', 215-220, it varies. With that said, I dont eat all too healthy, and I do not know my fat percentage. Actually, im wanting to go into weight lifting more than running. I got in the mood to run, but I overexerted myself (as in, I didn't...
  5. F

    "Hi I'm new here" Introduce Yourself

    Hello, I usually go by Fain on the internets and would like it to stay that way. :P But yeah, I play guitar, but nothing too complicated. Just those few video game scores. XD But yeah, I stumbled upon Firewind a few months back and thought they were pretty good, and thus, im here.
  6. F

    If you had a time machine...

    I used quotes for a reason. Doesn't mean I outwardly mean real womanizing. And the reason I brought it up was because we were focusing on the negatives of Dimebag, which are minimal compared to Phil. See my reasoning? Believe me man, im not a Pantera basher, far from it. They're one of the bands...
  7. F

    If you had a time machine...

    Tell me about it. Im just reading it for shits and giggles since im so bored.
  8. F

    If you had a time machine...

    lol at this arguement imho.
  9. F

    If you had a time machine...

    Well, lets take the focus to Phil. I think thats where the "womanizing" lies. Ive seen videos of concerts, and Dime was more coherent or alert than Phil by far almost each time.
  10. F

    does anyone here do martial arts or

    I took Muai Thai for a bit, it was pretty awesome. Id go with that because its actually practical. But if you want to look cool, I definately vote capoeira(sp?).
  11. F

    Didnt see this part of the forum

    So this is my second post. Lol. Anyways, I got into metal 3 years ago (biography) and have ever since fell in love with it. And since theres alot of forums here devoted to metal (the biggest composition ive ever seen to be accurate) I decided to join and get in on some metal action. Side note...
  12. F

    Power Metal

    PM is fantastic. I view it as under appreciated. Me and my friend (one of those death and black metal junkies) always argue over bands because of that. Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Symphony X, Gamma Ray, Derdian (I have one of their songs, they're a no name band, but so far they're sounding okay, im...