Recent content by faloppa

  1. faloppa

    Destinos - Metanoia (Instrumental album, FFO: Cloudkicker)

    Well that was fast! Wow! Nice mixing buddy, the guitar panning you decided is very interesting.
  2. faloppa

    Destinos - Metanoia (Instrumental album, FFO: Cloudkicker)

    Thanks guys! just added the stems for the song you requested, if you have any question just let me know, the tempo map is included in the midi file :).
  3. faloppa

    Destinos - Metanoia (Instrumental album, FFO: Cloudkicker)

    Hi! Yesterday I released my second instrumental album, it's the largest project I've done and if you dig artists like Cloudkicker I think you might like it. If you want stems of any song just let me know, I'll gladly share them. Download the album: Here are the...
  4. faloppa

    Multitracks - Provide the best mix, and get paid to mix the album

    Fun song to mix. Here's my shot, hope you enjoy it :).
  5. faloppa

    Custom Snare Samples - FREE

    Thanks mate! They will work perfectly for blending :D
  6. faloppa

    New Seraph Drum Samples!!!

    So you high pass your kick and let the bass guitar handle the sub freqs? It's very interesting to me because I've done the opposite all my life D: (Letting the kick to handle the subs). By the way, congrats for such good kits buddy, I guess I'll get Vol.2 as soon as I can :).
  7. faloppa

    X50 v2.0

    oops, sorry :p
  8. faloppa

    X50 v2.0

    It's Zombass 3 ;)
  9. faloppa

    New mix I did "Northlane-Disposition "

    Hi buddy, first of all, this song is called dispossession. About the mix: Your drums seems to be ok, however i think the snare is too loud in comparison with the rest of the kit. It seems that distorted guitars have been left behind in the mix, you could bring them up a bit. The bass is too...
  10. faloppa

    X50 v2.0

    Wow! Sounds amazing! what IRs did you use?
  11. faloppa

    Short clip (Within the Ruin-ish)

    Hi guys! I'm kinda new in this forum, and I was wondering if you could help me with this recording that I did some days ago, I'd be really grateful! This was recorded with SD2.0 and Podfarm for guitars and bass. Hope you like it, I think...