Recent content by FattyQuintessence

  1. FattyQuintessence

    Skyfire on My Space!

    Impish is interesting--on Meespace as well
  2. FattyQuintessence

    Which songs Katatonia should cover?

    Katatonia to cover Castlevania and Secret of Evermore (not Led Z.'s Battle for Evermore).
  3. FattyQuintessence

    Does DT depresses you?

    I believe the songs are what seasons are to artists. Cold in the winter, but that's usually if you just sit around or misplan attire.
  4. FattyQuintessence

    Sick and Tired:

    On to better things.
  5. FattyQuintessence

    Kalmah Merch?

    hahahahaha. For a few seconds, I was thinking of a small moment of crazyness back when PS2's were being sold for outrageous prices on Ebay.
  6. FattyQuintessence

    Fear of the Dark

    : growls from past metal covers : This is the final countdown : cheesy keyboards :
  7. FattyQuintessence

    Studio diary

    1st official Kalmah release has always been my favorite..Alteration and Using the Word. Finland pre-order or not, I will acquire such splendid music in the oncoming 4th assault. I do have a question for Mr. Kokko if he grazes the pages here --- what is the all-more worthwhile, Oulu or Sibelius?