Recent content by FeltUp

  1. F

    This is my 500th post on UM

    Psh, I've almost got 500 posts Sort of
  2. F

    What do Opeth fans do for a living?

    Student, unsure about careers
  3. F

    This is why you don't go 110 in a 25 zone

    Something like this happened in my area around three years ago. A car with a bunch of kids in it was going like 85 in a 25 mph zone, the driver was drunk and must not have realized there was a median there and slammed his car head first into a tree.
  4. F

    This board is dead

    Uhhhh... well you guys can help me out then. What type of combo amp should I get for around $450-500?
  5. F

    favorite lyrical themes

    Or because they don't understand the language very well
  6. F

    "Evil, brutal death metal".

    No problem
  7. F

    "Evil, brutal death metal".

    When someone says that I usually stop paying attention because I bet they're shitty.
  8. F

    Best & Worst Album Covers?

    Hmm... looks like owns you
  9. F


    Hey I'm new around here, seems like a cool site with cool people.