Recent content by firstsnowplow

  1. firstsnowplow

    Which Is More Important????

    War is money.
  2. firstsnowplow

    Is it just me .................

    Still here! :wave: I am not sure why I am still here,it does not really matter.I made the offer to Billy to totally ban me or level the board by removing all bad posts by everyone concerning that touchy issue.Most are gone,some remain,but it is a step in the right direction.To say that it should...
  3. firstsnowplow

    Is it just me ................. Quote: Originally Posted by Pyrus Is it just me, or have all of the Proud Aryan Internet Warrior's posts been deleted? I made a deal with Billy....respect for respect.He could ban me or delete all malicious posts by...
  4. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    At least you like Coroner....I remember when they first came out with "Masked Jackal" it was killer.That was back when MTV actually played good headbanger stuff. :)
  5. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    I made a deal with Billy....respect for respect.He could ban me or delete all malicious posts.They are not all gone,but most of them are.I still have the right to speak of music here,but will defend my side at any time (because having one-sided discussions is the worst bias).This is more in...
  6. firstsnowplow


    If you want to talk about a "hate everyone" band,then why don't we mention Gwar? I saw them years ago on Halloween and they were wild. :)
  7. firstsnowplow

    i hate punk

    Punk and Oi are part of a grand chain for the metal and stuff we enjoy today.Follow this short progression for example:Ritual chants>Folk Music>Country and Blues>Rock and Roll>Punk>Heavy Metal>Nu Metal.....It is all relative.Punk sounds simple because technically it is.Ozzy sounded simple back...
  8. firstsnowplow

    OK, I have a new outlook on the war in Iraq

    Japan got bombed and then was rebuilt to be one of the highest technology manufacturers on the planet.You can nuke Iraq,but then 20 years from now,you might have a computer made from there. :Spin:
  9. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    What guy? and why is it always Hitler? Aren't there a barrage of evil types through history.Stalin was 10 times worse.I also watched a history report about Cambodia....those motherfuckers were nuts when it came to torture.
  10. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    I am southern by birth technically...born in Virginia,spent my childhood in Delaware,graduated lived in Maryland.Moved to North Carolina,then Florida,and now I am back again.I can be whatever accent I want. :) I just like the word ya' is that new slang ya know? Don't they say youse in...
  11. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    Not a skinhead.....used to be.But I am proud,white,and unrelenting in pursuit of the truth.Don't worry,Billy asked me to stop....I will because you all are not ready for this yet.
  12. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    Sticks and stones.....whatever have fun chatting while the timebomb is ticking.
  13. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    Since this forum is inhabited by minors,I will give you a chance to grow up.Get past 30 and the picture is all too clear.Have fun with semi-truth.
  14. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    Hahahahahaha.....such simple comebacks.Nope,the fact is that you are sheep,not wanting to explore outside your secure cave.You will love it when the nigs are on your doorstep kicking your ass because they remembered what race was.
  15. firstsnowplow

    Understanding my beliefs and principles

    I am here until I am enjoy.We are Creators,not Christians.We believe in the eternal laws of nature.Get it right fuckhead.We are here for Proud and Brave White People,not some fucking wankers that laugh at tongue and cheek racism.You want to be a commie,sit at home and do everything...