Recent content by flaknugget

  1. F

    The intro track on 'Tokyo Warhearts', what is that from?

    Thank you, that's a load off my mind. Cheers, all.
  2. F

    The intro track on 'Tokyo Warhearts', what is that from?

    Do you mean 'S.O.B' the Japanese grindcore band?
  3. F

    The intro track on 'Tokyo Warhearts', what is that from?

    SOB? I'm sorry, I'm not down with the lingo you crazy kids are spittin' these days. So there is an answer out there somewhere?
  4. F

    The intro track on 'Tokyo Warhearts', what is that from?

    There is a keyboard solo that kicks off the Live album 'Tokyo Warhearts'. It sounds eerily familiar yet I can't put a name on it. Does anyone know if that is a cover, and if so, where is it from?