Recent content by Floodline

  1. Floodline

    New Band -- Floodline --

    Thanks for everyone who has come by to check out our music. We are currently working on our second CD and getting a live show together. Our release "Passage To Dawn" is availabe from the official site at . Thanks again. Peace. Floodlline
  2. Floodline

    Post your band info/music recordings here

    Hey guys, Come listen to our new band Floodline and let us know what you think. . Much apreciated. Peace!:rock:
  3. Floodline

    New Band -- Floodline --

    Thanks guys. Apreciate the compliments and advice. I changed the description of our music to exclude the word harcore. Maybe I'm confused about what "Hardcore" is. I was always under the impresion that hardcore just meant that it was heavier than your typical comercial metal, and not as heavy...
  4. Floodline

    Drum Machine?

    If you want killer drum samples, you should check out the Drumkit From Hell series or the new one BFD drums is cool too. Both are a bit on the spendy side at 100 to 300 dollars, but if you are looking for realistic sampling, you cant beat it in my opinion. If you want to check out what the DFH...
  5. Floodline

    New Band -- Floodline --

    “Traverse The Passage To Dawn” Floodline has just released their debut album “Passage to Dawn” . Floodline’s music can be described as a mix of metal and melody that conveys a more positive message than the average death and destruction motif. For those not...
  6. Floodline

    New Band -- Floodline --

    “Traverse The Passage To Dawn” Floodline has just released their debut album “Passage to Dawn” . Floodline’s music can be described as a mix of hardcore metal and melody that conveys a more positive message than the average death and destruction motif. For those not familiar with their...
  7. Floodline

    christion black metal

    Some people say that my current band Floodline passes for Christian Metal, but we never intended it that way. Check it out and let me know what you think. Peace
  8. Floodline

    New Band -- Floodline --

    “Traverse The Passage To Dawn” Floodline has just released their debut album “Passage to Dawn” . Floodline’s music can be described as a mix of hardcore metal and melody that conveys a more positive message than the average death and destruction motif. For...