Recent content by flymo

  1. flymo

    Marvelous Mixing Practice - Periphery "Ragnarok"

    I've been hanging out on SSO for a long time and just yesterday remembered this place. Then I find this awesome cover! Really well done sir! Here's my go at it a mix!
  2. flymo

    redfang - wires. cover clip

    I love redfang, and I´ve been wanting to make a cover for a while. It´s still very raw and early takes, but I like the feel it has :] So since I rarely post anything and just lurk around, I´ll share this clip I know the vocals arent pretty, but I will defo get a guy to do it for the...
  3. flymo

    My first try at evil vox!

    So, This is the first time I've tried to do vox like this! Actually it's one of the first time i've recorded my vocals!! It's unmixed and very rough! And I haven't Written any lyrics, it's basicly just random sounds haha.. Tell me what you think, I still have alot to learn about using...
  4. flymo

    I've just recorded my bands song

    Sounds great dude!! Love the guitars alot, any info on those?
  5. flymo

    FFaF Songs! First Post! Need Honest Critiques!

    Hey dude.. i'm "new" here (posts wise) :] I've been listening to your stuff on soundclick, and I'm really really in a musical high right now.. Your stuff blows me away!! Your playing is as consistant as I would wish I was.. super tight.. (you should hear my double tracking >_< ) So I'm...
  6. flymo

    New song/idea/stuff

    I really like the song progression. Some very nice ideas, and well put together IMO.. I love the snare sound and the drums fit well in the mix.. Keep up the good work, would love to hear more from ya..
  7. flymo

    Javi Perera - Cover of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean"

    Haha deffo!! Or.. ehh.. Maybe not :D But I have to figure somn out. I get some new gear tomorrow and would be fun to test it on a MJ cover hehe.. it will be the summer trend.. MJ covers in all kindsa genres :]
  8. flymo

    Javi Perera - Cover of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean"

    Sweet dude.. Really awesome cover!! Gave me inspiration to make a cover myself.. Now just to choose which one heh.. keep rocking!!
  9. flymo

    Bulb/Periphery - Cover of Michael Jackson's "Black or White"

    That kicked ass!! No matter what you come up with its so perfectly executed!! I love it.. Im going to a bbq this evening. Ill bring this for sure :D
  10. flymo

    Rate this mix! No vox, but Todd Hansen of Berzerker on Drums.

    Good to hear some new stuff from ya buddy.. Im at my mums on my laptop without cans so cant really say much about the mix. But i like the progression of the song, its well put together.. Ill get my new reference monitors Tuesday :D Ill give it a listen then.. just out of curiosity...
  11. flymo

    ux1-SD2. new clip..

    Hello peeps.. Well I've been lurking on this forum for ages on end listening to all the cool stuff ppl throw up here. I've been wanting to put something up myself for a long time, but have had a total writers block and hated my setup and yeah.. blah blah blah... Well now I'm getting...
  12. flymo

    Periphery - "Icarus Lives!" with Casey's vocals posted!

    Was wondering if anyone had this tune anywhere? I miss it so much.. Yes i miss a song like my long lost baby :P (i dont have a baby though) Well hope someone has it.. Misha rules the world!
  13. flymo

    Gearbox, dfhs2. sound test

    Hmm, maybe my speakers are coloring to much. It sounds good on my end.. Problem is, if I turn the gain down even more. I dont have any sustain at all.. Don't know how to help that problem..
  14. flymo

    Gearbox, dfhs2. sound test

    Alright I fooled around with the amps & added some more mids. Is it any better? second try
  15. flymo

    Gearbox, dfhs2. sound test

    And I finally thought I nailed a good tone haha.. Cheers for your input, I'll try something different on those guitars..