Recent content by foggrindpunk

  1. foggrindpunk

    New site, New CD...... Check it out!

    Hey, Just finished remodeling my bands website, and released a new CD. So if you are into GrindPunk, jam over to You can check out two songs off the new release, and three off my 2003 release. Feel free to drop me an email or sign my guestbook. Ryan FxOxGx :rock:
  2. foggrindpunk

    Factory of Ghouls

    What's Up "FOGsXe"? I was just surfing the web and came across this post. Thanx for the killer words about my little project FACTORY of Ghouls. I'm currently in the middle of moving to a new state, so the re-release of the first record is going to be pushed back a bit. Not too much though...