Recent content by Follow the Swamplord

  1. Follow the Swamplord

    Tour North America, PLEASE!

    ^ try fucking Northern Canada... Not that I live in that area but cmon that would suck even more. Good bands rarely come here either but Montreal is 2 hours away :). Thank god for those quebeckers :rock:.
  2. Follow the Swamplord

    What's the average Kalmah setlist?

    . My thoughts exactly when i started reading this post. And hopefully that day will be soon...
  3. Follow the Swamplord

    "The Black Waltz" Song Survivor - Round 8

    YEEEE :kickass: :kickass: So true...
  4. Follow the Swamplord

    what would you like to see in kalmah future album

    I noticed and that's why swamplord is still my favorite album. GOOD FUCKING SOLOS. Even though i like the sound of the new cd (like the vocals and the riffs), the last 3 sounded much more melodic, and possibly also more creative. I don't know if mixing the 2 styles of heavier vocals with...
  5. Follow the Swamplord

    "The Black Waltz" Song Survivor - Round 6

    The voting is getting pretty tight. I vote TBW. As Infernium said, it's just not as good as the others. Leave Defeat alone guys, it might just be the best song on there.
  6. Follow the Swamplord


    I listen to Death,Trivium and Alice and Chains. See that's a pretty weird combination... I hate Demon Burger (lol i like the name) but it just proves that metalheads can have diverse music tastes which is pretty awsome in my opinion :kickass:
  7. Follow the Swamplord

    "The Black Waltz" Song Survivor - Round 4

    All the songs are so good... but one of them had to go man. I'm starting to like Black Waltz better after listening to it more, so this week so I'm voting for Bitter Metallic Side.
  8. Follow the Swamplord

    what would you like to see in kalmah future album

    True That. Kalmah are very creative and i like that about them :D
  9. Follow the Swamplord

    Ive been thinking...

    Ya AYDY was a disappointment compared to their previous albums but cmon AYDY is not horrible, it's unfortunately not as good as the other one that's all.. There are a couple songs I like a lot on AYDY. But I find that even Kalmah as a whole is better then CoB so yeah we gotta get the word out...
  10. Follow the Swamplord

    "The Black Waltz" Song Survivor - Round 3

    The best album still remains Swamplord in my opinion but The Black Waltz like any of the albums is good from start to finish :) Added: Groan of Wind is definitely not my favorite song
  11. Follow the Swamplord

    Man of the King

    +2 x 100 :kickass: :kickass:
  12. Follow the Swamplord

    "The Black Waltz" Song Survivor - Round 3

    Ya and I have a feeling Defeat might win cuz it's a good opening song to the album My vote goes to TBW again... I really hope Mindrust doesn't die :waah:
  13. Follow the Swamplord

    metal masterpieces (songs only)

    Dark Tranquillity - Punish My Heaven Dark Tranquillity - The New Build ANY KALMAH SONG!!!! :kickass: (Swamphell, Evil in you,Heroes to us, Mindrust...) Got to recognize Death... after all they did... so many songs to choose from Death -The philosipher Death - Voice of the Soul Dio -...
  14. Follow the Swamplord

    what are you listening to right now?

    Norther - Till Death Us Unites o it just finished so now im listening to Alice in Chains - Dirt U mean Immortal right?
  15. Follow the Swamplord

    what aren't you listening to right now?

    I'm not listening to rap or country or pop or punk or that annoying metal where they sing like opera gays; sonata arctica and dragonforce for example (tho sonata is the best of that shitty genre) I'm not listening to cradle of filth cuz i don't like them I'm not listening to carcass I'm not...