Recent content by ForteProtege

  1. ForteProtege

    Video Games.....

    The problem with the cutscenes was that a lot of the translation was pretty off. I liked the game, but I see how others could dislike it. The music and graphics were so beautiful, imo. The timelimit didn't really bother me either, you could accomplish the mission goals in about half the time...
  2. ForteProtege

    Video Games.....

    Valkyrie Profile is my favorite RPG. The guy who composed the music was a keyboard player in a prog rock band, which explains why the music is so good! Good to see someone else actually has heard of it!
  3. ForteProtege

    Best solo in SyX-song?

    Pinnella really brought it all together on this last album; his tone and phrasing are much better than in previous albums. Pinnela's solos on "Inferno", "Wicked", "The Turning", and "The Odyssey" (during pt. 2 around 8:00) are absolutely amazing, in fact I've found myself fast-forwarding through...
  4. ForteProtege

    Why All The Hate?

    I hate to break this to you but Adagio's first album is more original than Symphony X's debut. Symphony X got a lot of criticism for being a clone band too. The similarities between Symphony X and Adagio are actually minimal. Adagio is darker/heavier and more influenced by classical music...
  5. ForteProtege

    Common MJR Scales

    You are correct in assuming that they do not stick to one scale throughout. You will probably notice that Michael Romeo and company will often play the same riffs in different keys. A good example is "Of Sins and Shadows" where they play the main riff in different keys (transpose). As for...