Recent content by Fraction

  1. F

    Progressive Metalband Fraction zoekt zanger

    - We zoeken een zanger (m) - Leeftijd: tussen de 15 en 19jaar - We oefenen in Den Haag Interesse? Mail ons:
  2. F

    The thread to break the silence, share your music!

    We wish we could share some music. We have our demo already recorded, but we are still in need of a new vocalist and so there are no vocals recorded yet. But we do have a short sample of music on our myspace.
  3. F

    Artemisia Release and Release Party

    Hey, De samples op de website klinken echt weer heel goed, kan niet wachten tot het album uit is, wat gelukkig steeds dichter bij komt. Hoop jullie snel weer te zien optreden. En gefeliciteerd met die show met Spock's Beard trouwens, wordt vet!! Fraction
  4. F

    Sun Caged @ the 013 Pictures anyone

    That's right they gave him an 8, and yeah, what was up with the filming?
  5. F

    Sun Caged @ the 013 Pictures anyone

    Did anyone make any pictures at yesterday's show( which was an awesome show by the way...:notworthy)? the way the new songs sounded really nice and I can't wait to hear more.