Recent content by Fragarach

  1. F

    what am I doing wrong?

    There's something up with the guitars. Might be panning as oroinvictus said. Boost the bass guitar. and try and make the mix more cohesive. The vocals and OH's sound a little out of place
  2. F

    DM in A sharp

    Awesome guitar tone. But the kick really doesnt fit. It just goes un-noticed and un heard. Try scooping some mids and boosting the highs a little
  3. F

    This really isn't a big deal, but...

    I like the firs tones more. I think their more Juicy.
  4. F

    Could someone upload the lost stuff again?

    Hey, I din mean the samples people removed purposely due to copyright etc. I'm talking about a few samples. Like say the DW24 kick sample which was uploaded on andy sneap's website but the whole website is bust. And I know its not anybody's fault I din reach here on time. Just wondering if some...
  5. F

    Could someone upload the lost stuff again?

    I joined this forum only a few months back. I've been looking for samples, patches impulses etc.. etc.. BUT A lot of stuff is lost. As in a lot of links dont work anymore. None of the celtiaproduction links work. The links dont work. And they had a lot of stuff. Just...
  6. F

    Sampled Drums Question

    If you are buying superior, Steven slate or something like that, you can get the drummer to directly write on the piano roll. If you are buying individual samples - like the LSD ones. You can mix' the drum kit and no matter how crappy it sounds you can replace the sound using a replacement...
  7. F

    To upgrade or to not upgrade

    No, My friend gave me his computer he had bought nuendo but never used it so he gave me that too
  8. F

    To upgrade or to not upgrade

    Currently I own a line 6 UX-1 and Pod Farm (Came free with it) and Nuendo This is the best I can do right now : Do you guys think changing my gear adding anything/ getting some new stuff will help OR is it just me and I need to learn more...
  9. F

    MIXING TIME, SONG3: Complete Feared song inside My version. Any advice would be brilliant.
  10. F

    Should I change my strings now?

    If you still have that clangy sound while playing you dont need to change your strings.
  11. F

    recomend me strings for drop-b

    You can use any point 0.13 + strings and our tone wont suffer because of the strings. I personally think Ernie Ball strings are the best.
  12. F

    Ermz' Production Tips Compendium (for the newer guys)

    Just by reading this I think how I want go forward. Thanks a ton Ermz!!
  13. F

    I cant listen to music normally.

    So what do you guys do now? Watch TV instead?
  14. F

    I cant listen to music normally.

    Haha Endless Misery. What are the other steps?
  15. F

    I cant listen to music normally.

    Since I've started reading up on audio production and benn trying to do something I just cant help wondering how did XYZ get this tone or how did he go about getting that snare sound. Is this normal? Cus music listening used to be fun and more like a stress buster now there are too many...