Recent content by frank booth

  1. F

    Just wondering

    we are all patiently waiting. there's plenty of ron's music out there to be studied in the meantime.
  2. F

    Alex Arellano video

    im sure he means it in a good way. amazing chops. keep us informed on the release date.
  3. F

    Kudos to an amazing resource here......

    damn it ron, thanks a million. ive been diggin the dimarzios lately, i slapped an x2n into my ibanez rg (its got a mahogany body) and im not looking back (for a while at least). i recently converted from being a full on emg fanatic. the x2n is super articulate, and since ive been into...
  4. F

    Kudos to an amazing resource here......

    Greetings all, just wanted to give HUGE props to Ron for an amazing site. the tab section is remarkable bro. to have this much info here on this site for FREE is absolutely unheard of. i just recently ordered both spastik ink cds and im floored. thanks a million Ron, i just started...