Recent content by FrankyFVX

  1. F

    Worst Guitar Tones in a Professional Recording.

    I really like their tone since Paradise Lost (when Mike made the switch to ENGL), but yeah for sure prior to that his tone was pretty weak/thin depending on the album :o
  2. F

    New song from my band (100% natural drums)

    Hey everyone, I've been working on this song for a while, just wanted to know what everyone thinks around here. The mix might not be 100% perfect since I only used headphones, but I guess it's close o the best I could do with it...
  3. F

    Some old school thrash metal, opinions?

    hahaha, maybe down in the states, but apparently the kids here have got a case of nostalgia (I swear the lead guitarist isn't older than 17) :grin:
  4. F

    Some old school thrash metal, opinions?

    Hey guys, here's a song I've been working on with some kids from our area, I'm pretty proud of the result for the kind of room/equipment we used, drum is pretty natural (Kick is 50/50, snare about 70/30, toms 100% real) What do you guys think?
  5. F

    some stuff from my band's first Ep/demo (Power Metal)

    Hi everyone, my band just released its first 3 song Ep, which I've recorded and mixed, and while I'm really proud of how much I've improved since recording my other band in 2010, I know there's a couple of things I could've done better, so I'd like some opinions from more experienced people :o...
  6. F

    Tortex picks.... fffuuuuuuu

    I used to be all over the jazzIIIs, but I've recently switched to 1.14 Blackfangs (the James hetfield ones :O) and 1.40 Ultex sharp. it took a while to get used to playing lead with those but as far as rhythm goes they've got a way better attack.
  7. F

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    here's my band:
  8. F

    I need a goal in guitar playing, aka "cool hard songs to play"

    yep that pretty much what I was gonna recommend :grin: I've been having a lot of fun with their song Empyreal, plus Jon has a riff by riff lesson on youtube
  9. F

    Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

    word. and that chick that played Raven/Mystique was pretty damn hot :o
  10. F

    Gelling guitars and bass

    sounds good, just the right amount of bass for my ears :) I can't help but think about Symphony X's Edge of Forever when the clean part kicks in, was that intentional?
  11. F

    help me choose something about a thrash mix

    I'd pick the second one, the midrange sounds a little thin to me on the first one
  12. F

    Post your best mix and comment poster above you!

    wow there's some really awesome stuff in here! I'm probably pretty far from being the most experienced here, I'm just starting out recording, but here's the song from my band's demo that I'm the most proud of mix wise : There's probably lots of...