Recent content by Frankzappa

  1. Frankzappa

    DAW computer for playing DFH S2.2 w. edrums

    I don't know if I should count the input latency because I'm inputting midi. I guess I'm getting like 5ms of output latency but it's not good enough, I can feel it. I can play no problem but I can tell the sound is not coming exactly when I strike the mesh. I don't notice it when playing guitar...
  2. Frankzappa

    DAW computer for playing DFH S2.2 w. edrums

    What do you mean how I'm running it? I've tried Toontrack Solo, Cubase 5 and Reaper to run DFH. I connect the midi out of my module to the midi in of my soundcard (Tascam US122L). I have set the lowest buffer setting in the control panel @44100Hz. I've tried 96000Hz but I'm still getting 10ms...
  3. Frankzappa

    DAW computer for playing DFH S2.2 w. edrums

    What's up guys! I'm planning on building a dedicated computer for my edrums. Right now I'm running them on my regular computer using a USB soundcard, the latency is noticable, I'm getting around 5ms in, and 5ms output. I could just get a PCI-card to get lower latency but I would like...
  4. Frankzappa

    Thriller 2010

    Someone do some vocals for this shit right now!!! I'm getting a major boner over this :muahaha: Who's the best singer on this forum? Oh and the snare kind of ruins it a bit though :(
  5. Frankzappa

    New TubeScreamer sim, TSE808

    Wow thanks guys, I worked hard on this GUI. It's nice to see that it payed off :kickass: I don't own the real one so I didn't know about the input output being on the wrong side but I can't make it identical eigther because of copyright and stuff :D I'm going to continue doing skins for...
  6. Frankzappa

    New free cabsim, Nebula technolgy

    Now where is catharsis so he can record his cab for us in this program.
  7. Frankzappa

    New free cabsim, Nebula technolgy

    Mercuriall, a new free cabsim for the TSE X30 and the LeGion. Simulates a marshall cab. Here is a link to the thread at guitarampmodeling: Here is a direct download link:
  8. Frankzappa

    YT: Mesa Broogie Twin Rectofanny youtube clip

    smaken är som baken :rock: ...the most important thing is the song and I would definately buy YOUR album if you made one ;)
  9. Frankzappa

    I gotta say, I'm loving that ol' Marshall tone...

    Awesome but the guitars are way too loud for this music IMO.
  10. Frankzappa

    YT: Mesa Broogie Twin Rectofanny youtube clip

    Sounds great as always but you shouldn't cut all the high frequencies from the guitars, they sould kind of lo-fi. At first I thought it was due to the low quality of youtube, then I turned on 720p and it's the same sound. Don't get me wrong, they sound really well miked and everything, but...
  11. Frankzappa

    6505...bias clips...

    I like the middle one the most however you would probably get more difference in tone by standing too close to the EQ section of the amp while farting :lol:
  12. Frankzappa

    The Definitive Rose of Sharyn DI + Backing

    There is something in your mixes that stand out of the rest, I like that :)
  13. Frankzappa

    New Amp Sim : LeGion

    Or this: (TSE X50 older version) :D
  14. Frankzappa

    New ampsim: TSE X30

    correction 5150mkII/6505+ ;) :D