Recent content by freeze

  1. F

    Building your own custom cabinet

    Thanks for the tip Iced In Flames, but since I live in Europe, they won't deliver :(
  2. F


  3. F

    Building your own custom cabinet

    For those who are interested or when the search funtion on the forum gets sorted, some usefull things concerning cab building: Contains reference material, links to discussion forums, software to calculate the volume of the box (with...
  4. F

    soloing skills

    Shouldn't it be 'Instead of E sharp you would write F'? Guess that is what you meant.
  5. F

    soloing skills

    morningstar, pentatonic scale is the easiest I think (only five different notes, hence PENTA-tonic): In A: -------------------------------5--8--------------- -------------------------5--8--------------------- -------------------5--7---------------------------...
  6. F

    Building your own custom cabinet

    Nice article morningstar, didn't read the whole thing yet but it sure seems helpfull! Thanks a lot! Those Celestion V30 speakers are pretty expensive indeed. At the official Mesa Boogie site they sell 'em for 109$ a piece (Black Shadow Celestion V30 12", 8 or 16 ohm). I'll check how much they...
  7. F

    Building your own custom cabinet

    Yes the Celestion V30 are used the most it seems: Marshall, Mesa, Randall, Diezel, ... all have models with these speakers. Most companies don't tell which kind of wood is used, except Randall, they use three-fourth of an inch thick, 7 or 11-ply, void free birch plywood (multiplex). I'm pretty...
  8. F

    Building your own custom cabinet

    In search for a new guitar cabinet, I started thinking about building my own 4x12" speakerbox. A friend of mine has got some experience building PA boxes and would help me out. Has anyone built their own cabinet or does anyone have tips about the construction, choice of speakers, wood...
  9. F

    Drum triggers?

  10. F

    Drum triggers?

    Thanks for the reply Dreamcatcher, but I'm not really interested in sidechaining stuff. The idea is to use drum trigger sensors (no mics) to trigger samples (not synths). Guess it's not that easy to synthesise a great sounding kickdrum... Thanks anyway!
  11. F

    Drum triggers?

    Hi, the drummer of our band was interested in playing with triggers, in particulair for the bassdrum, but we don't know much of the technical side of things. I saw at the official Alesis site, they sell a drum module (DM5) that would handle the job, but according to our drummer, there is...
  12. F

    Engl Rackhead 860?

    yep allready tried there too, but no cigar... thanks again
  13. F

    Engl Rackhead 860?

    Thanks! still, no-one seems have any info...
  14. F

    Engl Rackhead 860?

    Hi, I'm considering to buy a second hand Engl Rackhead 860. Can anyone tell me their experiences with it and how much you think it's worth now? Also I'd like to know how much they costed when they were still available in stores. Maybe u can point me to another forum where I could also get some...
  15. F

    Ear plugs

    Thanks sumairetsu! I've checked out their site, will consider buying those... Have U tryed the cheap yellow ones? Is it a really big difference? (ow yeah, did u buy em somewhere in Europe? cause all the companies who are on the site are located in America...trying to get a better price by...