Recent content by friendforafoe

  1. friendforafoe

    New "Groove Metal" Album I Mixed (Axe-FX II, B7K, Metal Machine EZX, and more!)

    Hey guys! Chris Purvis here from the band Friend For A Foe (if you haven't heard of us yet, check out our music in the signature below!). I recently wrapped up recording, mixing, and mastering a VA-based band called Sessions and would love to hear what you guys think of the mix/tones used...
  2. friendforafoe

    Mixing Bass the Friend For A Foe Way

    Thanks man! I hope it helps some people! Just be cognizant that this is by no means the end all, be all ... this is just what works for me!
  3. friendforafoe

    Mixing Bass the Friend For A Foe Way

    Fixed a bunch of links that didn't display correctly!
  4. friendforafoe

    Mixing Bass the Friend For A Foe Way

    A few folks have asked about our bass tone used on our EP (It’s free! and more recently on our very, very, VERY short clip called “SISO” (which FYI stands for 5150 which is the amp the tone is based off of on the Axe-FX Ultra...
  5. friendforafoe

    Who's Who

    Name: Chris Location: Washington DC Age: 26 Own Band: Friend For A Foe (Guitar, Programming, Producer) Occupation: Active Duty in the US Navy (Petty Officer 2nd Class) until next year then plan on going full-time with my band/production as well as be a government contractor if possible...
  6. friendforafoe

    Passive Pups: SH-15 vs Aftermath

    I'm gonna go with the Aftermaths (B) ... why? Because I've had a 7-string set in my Ibanez 1527 tuned to drop Ab since they first put them out for the public. They're phenomenal pups. Though they are considered "high-output" by BKP standards, they feel more mid-output since it's a very...
  7. friendforafoe

    How many of you guys play in a band?

    Started by just recording my own music as a hobby, then turned my solo stuff into a band ... then I hated myself for starting to get into production/recording more, because I didn't want to stop learning. That doesn't sound like I should hate myself for it, but when you end up recording a band...
  8. friendforafoe

    Sneap forumers bands you dig

    Feel free to check out my band with any of the links in my signature. Hope you dig it!
  9. friendforafoe

    Talk About Uncomfortable ...

    :OMG: wasn't expecting that. Update ... so with the fact I keep bumping into this person everywhere now I had another awkward moment in the restroom again. No, it wasn't skirt-cock again (:lol: I still laugh at that phrase since that post), but for lack of better words, I was dropping a...
  10. friendforafoe

    which drum software

    :lol: @ the other guy: If you're not a fan of the pitch, you can always adjust it in SD2's GUI. Keep in mind you need to adjust/mix the top and bottom mics ... depending on how you do that it can have wildly different sounds. More body to a snare can give it a "lower-tuned" feel even though...
  11. friendforafoe

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    Clever vid promoting a Microsoft offer (for you Halo fans): I want that suit ...
  12. friendforafoe

    Talk About Uncomfortable ...

    I think it would have more traumatic if there was a chick I was dating and had been for a while, then it was time to have some pre-maritals for the first time in the relationships, and BAM ... skirt-cock. No amount of scrubbing with Ajax, bleach, and a brillo pad could wash the shame off of me...
  13. friendforafoe

    Talk About Uncomfortable ...

    Well considering I work at government facility in a secured area, I don't think there would be any hidden cameras like that haha. So help me god, if they gave Ashton Kutcher a security clearance, then I've lost all faith in our government. Skinny Viking, I agree with you 100% after having...
  14. friendforafoe

    Axe-FX ULTRA and Presonus Firebox Shenanigans ...

    George, you're forever trying to get me to send you some DIs haha ... we'll have to do a side-project or something for when I actually get a DI box since if I just send you some bypassed tracks, they wouldn't be the best quality I don't have anything on the mastering bus, but I'm wondering if...
  15. friendforafoe

    which drum software

    I'm actually not a fan of AD at all. The kits work for what they are, but it feels too limiting for what I need it for. To each their own I suppose, but I'm still on the side of SD2.0!