Recent content by Frontal Lobotomy

  1. Frontal Lobotomy

    SY-X Fans...Just curious..What do you do for a living!!

    Cje-la Tuz-la jednu kozu muz-la! Hahaha God, I feel old:lol:
  2. Frontal Lobotomy

    First CD or second/iconoclast

    I agree that Reign in Madness is a weak closer as it has not stuck with me even after going through the entire album so many times. Bastards of the Machine is definitely the weakest song in my opinion, and feels like a filler. It has the most boring verse and is simply...forgettable. But the...
  3. Frontal Lobotomy


    I heard 70-80 000 last year, and over 100 000 this year. This is not counting volunteers, bands and the people working for them, all the press and VIPs. All of these people can also end up finding new bands to like;) In any case, 80 000 is a no small number. I thought Mayhem to be the biggest...
  4. Frontal Lobotomy


    They should definitely do more festivals though.. That is how I've found plenty bands that I now love. They were in Sweden Rock a couple of years back and maybe they might consider Wacken next year (especially since I'm going there again:p)? Since they are not that proggy anymore, they would fit...
  5. Frontal Lobotomy

    SY-X Fans...Just curious..What do you do for a living!!

    I'm studying to be a clinical psychologist. 2,5 years to go and starting with clients next semester. I'm scared...
  6. Frontal Lobotomy

    Iconoclast reviews

    Ah! I see, thanks for clearing that up! :)
  7. Frontal Lobotomy

    Iconoclast reviews

    ...I never understood your sig. Do you mean to say that all metal is the same, therefore comparing two metal bands is comparing two essentially same things? I think pretty much everyone would disagree. If you didn't mean that, I apologise. What did you mean?
  8. Frontal Lobotomy

    Iconoclast reviews

    Yeah, the other guys are way too much in the background. I even dislike videos on youtube where the sole focus is on Romeo. If you're a guitarist, I get you want to see how he does stuff, but to me that's really boring. I want to see the rest of the guys as well. I don't play the drums, but the...
  9. Frontal Lobotomy

    Iconoclast reviews

    They said that some of the songs are so technical...or something like that, that they just don't work when played live. I would love to hear which songs those are. Just to write them off once and for all, because I am the sort of person who keeps hoping forever, unless I'm told specifically to...
  10. Frontal Lobotomy

    Iconoclast reviews

    :worship: It's as if I wrote this...I'm getting sentimental.
  11. Frontal Lobotomy

    Iconoclast reviews

    This made me think of: "The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and... " :lol:
  12. Frontal Lobotomy

    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

    Cao! LOVE to hear that there is something else being made in Bosnia than the horrible folk music that everyone seems to listen to these days! I think you guys did a good job! Honest opinion coming up, and I should say that I don't know a single technical term, I'm just going with what I hear and...
  13. Frontal Lobotomy

    Official Off Topic Thread

    HOORAY, HOORAY - It's the Norwegian national day! :)
  14. Frontal Lobotomy

    Iconoclast reviews

    Not trying to be funny, LePond plays by ear - that's pure natural talent :)