Recent content by Garrett The Drummer

  1. Garrett The Drummer

    New Track Idea

    This sounds great! Really punchy and tight.
  2. Garrett The Drummer

    Mix advice

    Mix 2
  3. Garrett The Drummer

    Prog Metal Mix

    I think I would bring the kick up a bit in parts. There's parts where I can hear it pretty well but parts where I can't seem to make it out. I would also turn down the talking thing a little bit. Overall this is a pretty cool track. Sort of reminds me of Dream Theater.
  4. Garrett The Drummer

    Mix feedback for Pantera/Metallica stylish band that I´m mixing

    Sounds pretty good! The guitars sound really wide, which is great. The drums seem pretty well balanced as well.
  5. Garrett The Drummer

    Mix advice

    Thanks a ton for the feedback! For the bass would you recommend bringing it up in volume, or pulling up the high end? I'll make some edits and repost. I'll be sure to give your mix some feedback to.
  6. Garrett The Drummer

    Mix advice

    I'm at a point where I'm not to happy with this, but I'm not really sure what to do. I want to add vocals after I get this mix a little more solidified. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Garrett The Drummer

    variaudio pitch correcting bass problems

    Hey guys! This is my second time setting out to try and pitch correct a bass, and I'm wondering if there is a better way to go about doing this than the way I'm doing. I've been selecting the whole track, and have been setting both pitch quantize and straighten pitch to 100%. Then I go through...
  8. Garrett The Drummer

    Alt-Rock Track

    Hey guys! This forum seems full of lots of helpful tips and stuff. I was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback on this mix. It seems like I just can't get the lead guitar to sit in the mix the way I want. Thanks!
  9. Garrett The Drummer

    Show us your studio 2014 [room / racks / backline]

    I'm loving this thread. Potshots tracking room is awesome. Do those mirrors in brianhoods studio cause any weird reflection issues?