Recent content by gello

  1. gello

    u think cob are overrated?

    100% AGREEING with you, the new songs are pretty much fckin harder than the old ''neo-classical melodic death'' classic shred cob thingy. Now it's more into the progressive dimished/chromatics riffs. Pretty hard to play though. Always think alexi is playing this shit while singing, think of...
  2. gello

    Your iTunes top 25 playcount

    Mass hypnosis???COB... I think this shit's wrong.
  3. gello

    Guitar Pro 5

    ^This thread is not about guitars, it's about this fckin program so gtfo.
  4. gello

    Guitar Pro 5

    I've seen that there's new add-ons for GP5, or even a new one, idk much. I'm thinking if someone here has a link where to download the new RSE sounds, if you don't actually have the real GP5, cuz it's pretty costful. It sounds...
  5. gello

    Roope new guitar?

    Soon, guitars are gonna be processor, modders. Fckin computer guitars, watch out guys, its coming soon....
  6. gello


    HCDR, FTR, BD, AYDY <--- heavy melodic metal HB, SW, <--- more like... neo-classical metal u know.
  7. gello

    Let's celebrate: Hatebreeder

    Hatebreeder was a good album, still, it's not the best for me. Music wise, its awesome with those melodic riffs, fckin love them, but.. the vocal are too blackish for me still think it's a good fckin album though... but i like the other albums like, HDR,BD, AYDY, bcuz they're more agressive
  8. gello

    NHL Playoffs

    OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! HABS FOR THE WIN! HABS FOR THE FCKIN CUP!:rock::rock::rock::rock: :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
  9. gello

    NHL Playoffs

    Habs ftw.
  10. gello

    Morbid Anal Fog, WTF?

    Black metal sucks. End of discussion.
  11. gello


    Hmm, that's sweet. Gigantour's gonna be better though.
  12. gello

    Gigantour 2008; Megadeth, Children of Bodom, etc. confirmed

    They can still change some songs. I think they should put more good BD songs and remove these fckin obvious songs they keep playin.
  13. gello

    Hatebreeder - Children Of Bodom tribute

    That guy(frontman) has a pinch, doesn't he...? It's sounds good, keybaord at least, only thing we can hear. Guitar solos sound sloppy though.
  14. gello

    Meta Hammer Golden Gods

    I totally fckin agree with youi, Synyster gate isn't even close to these guys knees. I don't even know why these guys didn't even get metionned, they deserve some support...
  15. gello


    ^didn't understand shit. And tell me why, why dude, why?