Recent content by Germ

  1. Germ


    Where do I start with this band? I've listened to at least one song from each album and they all sound different.
  2. Germ

    Obscure death metal from the early 90s...

    Unmerciful Order by Krisiun Eminence in Putresence by Avulsed Oniric Transition by Yyrkoon The Isle of Disenchantment by Psychroptic
  3. Germ

    NFL 2009

    Haters? How could you NOT hate Jerry fucking Jones, he's a moron! Punters are hitting the bottom of the big screen and he's laughing about it! The Cowboys are a joke.
  4. Germ

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Fucking gay.
  5. Germ

    I need Heavy metal advice

    This almost feels like a joke. haha!
  6. Germ

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    ^ Yes :kickass:
  7. Germ

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

  8. Germ

    Another Deathcore Recommendation Thread

    Despised Icon - The Healing Process Stop here.
  9. Germ

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    It's a sick fucking promo.
  10. Germ

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal :Spin:
  11. Germ

    Your Autos

    I'm still driving my Black 4th Gen 1988 monte carlo super sport. Had it for about 8 years now.
  12. Germ

    Morbid Angel

    Altars. Entangled in Chaos is a great live album BTW.
  13. Germ

    Best DM album of 93.... had to do it!

    At The Gates - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness Deserves a Vote! :wave:
  14. Germ

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Morpheus Descends - Ritual of Infinity