Recent content by ghostofbridgeport

  1. G

    Compression Q&A for Mr. Sneap

  2. G

    liking Reaper

    i dont understand how you could use those DAWS......they remind me of chidlren's toys
  3. G

    The Black Dahlia Murder - Nocturnal

  4. G

    I am really fucking depressed

    I learned that Quick , If the PLayers Suck......i tell them to hit the fucking door....And Yes i might have to eat frozen pizza's for that month....but its worth it , i cannot deal with shitty musicians no matter the money. It makes recording the worst thing in the world when the player cant play
  5. G

    Steven Slate Drums 1.5 Update Info

    i got mine today
  6. G

    The Dangers of Clipping

    i think Moonlapse and Steven Slate should debate because slate stated in that thread "Getting your Loudness" that clipping can be a good thing if used sparingly
  7. G

    How to do this vocal trick? (Andy you know the answer)

    im actually getting some Descent Results from that IZotpe Trash for vocal distortion
  8. G

    How to do this vocal trick? (Andy you know the answer)

    theres alot of ways to get that......and any will work........sounds like there's Distortion on it..........and a eq with all the treble and bass it gives it the megaphone effect
  9. G

    Editing and Track Mixdowns?!

    you might not be asking clear enough not gonna lie it hurt my head just to read your post and after i read it i felt that might be why
  10. G

    2 GB of RAM limitation in cubase/nuendo?

    the dude i get most of my computer advice from says there is no really any reason to go over 2gb Ram....but i could be wrong but thats what i have is 2gb
  11. G

    Recommend me a Studio Bass

    yeah that would be cool.....whats the biggest difference between active and passive......besides the 9volt battery deal
  12. G

    Any Tips to help improve would be appreciate(Mesa/slate samples/Ampeg)

    i take a look at them......any tips on fixing the problem
  13. G

    Any Tips to help improve would be appreciate(Mesa/slate samples/Ampeg)

    here is a track im doing for a client called Addicted To Blood its a Texas Chainsaw massacre tribute song.....there are no vocals yet and tips would be awesome.... How is the bass sitting through your guys monitors...
  14. G

    Recommend me a Studio Bass

    im not breaking any new ground here.....i play,write , and listen to everything everyone else listens too on here