Recent content by Gilbo

  1. G

    RIP Andrew Mc Dermott

    I could hardly believe it when I saw the news, so sad. Rest in Peace, Man.
  2. G

    Some random YouTube amusement... and a weird coincidence...

    So... I was bombing it along the M62 this morning with my iPod on shuffle, and "Suite sister Mary" from "Operation:Mindcrime" comes on. "Blimey", I thought to myself, "that guitar intro sounds a heck of a lot like the guitar intro to 'The Latent Gene'". This evening I'm randomly surfing the...
  3. G


    I have a strange feeling we'll never know what this thread is about...
  4. G

    Threshold on Top of the pops

    Hmm... Insider dealing!
  5. G

    Threshold on Top of the pops

    I saw the title of this thread and thought "You've left it a bit late for April fools..." D'oh. How on Earth did you find that?
  6. G

    Dead Reckoning deluxe version

    LOL! I don't approve of piracy and copyright theft!:)
  7. G

    Dead Reckoning deluxe version

    You can hear a lot more of the instrumental detail on these versions - which is great if you're a nerd like me! :cool: I do like CDs rather than just a bunch of files though - maybe someone could knock up a cover to download and print like there was for the "Pilot..." single? [*Fangirl...
  8. G


    Ha ha! Only kidding! There's an email on its way... :)
  9. G


    I think we are in danger of crossing some kind of line here?
  10. G


    Is that a hint? Sorry, I'm useless... :ill:
  11. G

    Favourite Top 10 albums of 2009

    This year I have bought and enjoyed "The Incident" by Porcupine Tree, "Frequency" by IQ, and "Blood" by OSI :) As for being oblivious... I'm not sure I can even name anything else that came out this year. I don't recognise anything on Radio 1, don't know any of the bands on "Later..." and am...
  12. G

    Old Photos.

    I have to say one thing about the first 15 or so pictures... LOOK at all that HAIR! Cool pix, thanks!
  13. G

    Essence of Progression Tour 2009 - Post Your Pictures, Videos, Reviews Here

    Great pics as usual, Astrid. Nice to see some good shots of Johanne and Richard, who are usually hiding in the dark! :)
  14. G

    Damian Wilson & Band

    Your best bet is to get the Metro tram from Wolverhampton town centre, and get off at Bilston station - trams are every twelve minutes from memory. The Robin is then a ten minute walk, and you'll pass an excellent drinking establishment called "The Old White Rose" on the way! (With any luck...
  15. G

    Summer's End Festival - Post Your Pictures, Videos & Reviews Here

    Yeah, and Pete appears occasionally to tell us he's joined another band! :)