Recent content by glasscastle

  1. glasscastle

    Allen/Lande - The Battle, early listen

    From Last Tribe to Starbreaker to this release...everything Magnus touches is gold!!
  2. glasscastle


    Flood is one of my favorite albums....and hell its 10 years old....some very powerful momments on that disc... and by contrast...they have always seemed to have a darkish mood to me...definetely not "happy"....
  3. glasscastle

    So I finally got my Lalu - Oniric Metal disc in the mail...

    I'm glad to see some others enjoying this one....Its in my top 5 of the year! I've been spinning this since March.....and I still love it!
  4. glasscastle

    Keyboard solos

    so these are all just opinions anyway right? although the leads are brilliant on Labrie's new album, I feel the patches are a little bright and thin...aside from that...Matt Guillory to me, plays the best solo's for a keyboard player I've ever heard. On the Dali's Dilemma album, and the...
  5. glasscastle

    3 prog cd's come out in the states today

    I've got all three....they are all good My favorite ......CM...I think they're the best new band in this genre in a long time.
  6. glasscastle

    Biomechanical video (x-post)

    Biomechanical is awesome. I think they are ahead of their time. I agree with the production, both albums have weak production...hopefully they will resolve this on their next disc.
  7. glasscastle

    Dream Theater - Octavarium

    sorry...don't meen to offend....but his solos seem mindless and directionless...sorta just licks crammed together...but the rest of his game is top-notch..... I agree with sknight on can really hear/feel him on this record.... anyway.....discuss
  8. glasscastle

    Dream Theater - Octavarium

    ....I've had it for a couple of I've gotten quite a few listens in....I do like it better than TOT....the songwriting is better with some direction...personally they could cut off the first 8-9 minutes of Octavarium(the song)...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... other than that and...
  9. glasscastle

    Favourite Track On Russell Allen's Atomic Soul

    I too...chose The Distance.....I also really like Voodoo Hand and Saucey Jack.........good change of pace album...check it out! :Spin:
  10. glasscastle

    Things You Don't Want To Hear At PPVI

    I don't want to hear this....Glenn on stage....."Sorry guys, Circus Maximus will not be performing tonight" oh nooooooooooooooo!
  11. glasscastle

    Lande/Allen MP3 Sample

    have you guys heard J Lande's project with Ronnie LeTekro? Vagabond?? If you haven't...your lucky...its complete crap...I never thought I'd say that about anything Jorn did....please bring back ARK!!!!!!!!
  12. glasscastle

    Octavarium Clips

    well I have to admit.......Panic Attack...(the solo section)sounded once again too wankish...very mechanical feeling....I like the rest of the song though.........These Walls...... sounds good to my ears right now..sorta of Awake...SFAM...I like it very...
  13. glasscastle

    Looking for more cowbell

  14. glasscastle


    ooh's a better one....Romeo and Stephan Forte..................................dam!!!!!!!
  15. glasscastle


    Yngwie--Romeo project.....Romeo slaps yingwee about the head and face....LOLOL