Recent content by GnomeTechnology

  1. GnomeTechnology

    Favourite Bodom Title Track

    Hatecrew Death Roll Because of the O.o Messge in it, Never back down And Dont fuck with Metal Heads!
  2. GnomeTechnology

    High Land Pines, ShadowLust, Lordi

    These are three great bands. Lordi some may know because they were at ozzfest. Lordi is awesome!!!ShadowLust,And HighlandPines are some bands that are local for me And they arent bad themselfs. Http:// Http:// sorry i would Post ShadowLusts...
  3. GnomeTechnology

    Burning Legion - melodic death/thrash

    Uhhh..... I think the gaming Company Blizzard Trade Marked the Burning Legion
  4. GnomeTechnology

    Keeping it Metal in Coraopolis

    Ahh Whats up i just joined today O.o This seems like a badass website and everything O.o O.o figured i should post here because its for people who just joined. Not sure what i should say now O.o so i guess ill just say a few things bout me. My name is Chris I am the Tits I like to Drink...
  5. GnomeTechnology

    The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

    Ahh the first bodom song i ever had the honor to listen to must have been.... Bastards of Bodom, After that i just got addicted to their music