Recent content by goatvulva

  1. goatvulva

    Adam Gill R.I.P.

    It`s not an "evil front." I just think this kid was pretty gay, not to mention just a following little poseur. Then again, that can be said of many people. As for respecting the life of a human being, and life is precious, blah blah blah.. you guys are sounding like the christians you claim to...
  2. goatvulva

    Adam Gill R.I.P.

    Well, gee, I thought it was a metal board. I guess you people are more concerned with fluffy teddy bears and flowers than extremity.
  3. goatvulva

    Adam Gill R.I.P.

    This is great news! It`s always refreshing when such a worthless and irritating poseur is snuffed out. This kid was once in my current bandmate`s older band, and was not only extremely immature and annoying, but also insulted the death of an honourable friend and bandmate. I think it`s humourous...