Recent content by Gordy_gorestained

  1. G

    Implementing Scales

    Also remember, when you play scales they don't have to be linear, you can use part of one then bust into some heavy riff.
  2. G


    New band, starting out. Have a rough version of a song up CH-CHECK it out. Leave any critisism, good will be considered. Insults will be ignored.
  3. G

    Irrational Fears

    I second that.
  4. G

    Terra Mortuus.

    Hey, this is a band I've recently started. We only have one rough draft song up. It'll be rerecorded soon w/ vox and a *much* better solo.
  5. G

    What time is it where you live?

    uh, 6:36 pm. It's been the most lethargic day of the year, nearly. I haven't done ANYTHING today.
  6. G

    Best Guitar Player Of All Time?

    For pure shredtasticness-Yngwie Malmsteen for solos that are just plain out rad-Alexi Laiho For being "The Man"-Joe Satriani but I also like Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, you know all the typical virtuosos.
  7. G

    Guitar Noob

    Entry level BC Riches aren't all that great, I'd suggest and LTD, Jackon, or Ibanez, prolly the ibanez for starters. While I'm not that big of an Ibanez fan their entry levels are good.
  8. G

    Wacken 2007 Roll Call

    If somebody wants to swing by Iowa before leaving, that would be rad.
  9. G

    Any Belphegor fans out there?

    Belphegor's Pestapocolypse=effing amazing. Belphegor in general=effing amazing. That's all I have.
  10. G

    White Emg's

    No, no, you forgot to carry the 2.
  11. G

    Scariest/Spookiest Experience?

    I live in Iowa, nothing happens here.
  12. G

    The Idea of a Tool tribute band - pro's and con's?

    pros-??? cons-Tool sucks. EDIT: pros-You might make Tool less worse.
  13. G

    genres you listen to regularly besides metal

    as for Jake-post rock, classical.....that's about it.
  14. G

    Canadian Metal

    Profugus Mortis.