Recent content by Gory Elephant

  1. Gory Elephant

    If In A Used CD Section In A Store and See a Band You Never Heard Of Do You...

    my lowly opinion, the only thing that does not make this album an automatic qualifier for the "totally generic, run-of-the-mill, cookie cutter black metal" garbage can is the cover of VON "Satanic Blood". Gotta admit, it's pretty good. Though I suppose it would be difficult to fuck up that song...
  2. Gory Elephant

    The Heaviest Fucking Metal Band

    Coupla things: What is this WORMED band all about? What type of music? Never heard of 'em. Also, was it cookiecutter that talked about Digested Flesh? Recommended, I take it? As to Pig Destroyer, while they are one of my favorite bands, I am not sure I would put them on a list of...
  3. Gory Elephant

    The Heaviest Fucking Metal Band

    Kind of agree with this. Not too many of the "brootal" death bands would make my list on heaviest bands. Their music is often too busy, too many riff changes, too much tinny snare banging, etc... Hardly heavy. I suppose the one exception for me would be Severe Torture. But, anyway, heaviest...
  4. Gory Elephant

    Cephalic Carnage

    Never heard Lucid Interval. How is it compared to Exploiting Disfunction (or whatever it is called, haven't listened to it in a while)? That is the only one I have by them.
  5. Gory Elephant

    The 10 Most Ridiculous Metal Album Covers

    What a great article. Laughed my ass off. The link to the greatest album covers ever, however, missed on that Sabbath one, I think. The self-titled one is better. Very creepy.
  6. Gory Elephant

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    Absolutely essential listening.
  7. Gory Elephant


    AAARRRRGGGGG!! That's me biting my tongue, trying not to say something insulting about this band, because it's not there fault they don't play my preferred style of black metal.
  8. Gory Elephant

    Bands with Dual Vocalists

    Depends on the genre. It is very common in goregrind. mike
  9. Gory Elephant

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    I have tried and tried to give Venom a fair shot, but they are fucking terrible. I COMPLETELY do not understand it when anybody in black metal claims them as an influence (or, perhaps "claimed" is better, since I doubt anyone claims to be influenced by them in the past 15 years or so). The music...
  10. Gory Elephant

    Best use of contrasting things? (Growly to clean, quiet to loud, etc.)

    Most bands fail at this, I think. Metal is all about violence to me, so if they take the contrast (or dynamic, whatever) too far, then the problem is that what they have provided as "contrast" is simply non-metal, which I think ruins the piece, more often than not. Sure, subtle contrasts are...
  11. Gory Elephant

    Festung 2007

    Wow! THE Archgoat? The ones who did "Angelcunt" back in the day? I did not know they had become active again. That album is one of the absolute best black metal release EVER. Nasty, brutal, and vile. The website for this thing says they have a new release, does anyone know anything about...
  12. Gory Elephant

    Metal Review Websites

    You've got mail......
  13. Gory Elephant

    How much loyalty to any one band?

    I guess I go at it pragmatically. I will keep buying albums by a group until they start to suck (which is inevitable). When they put out a sucky album, I will usually buy one more to see if the one that blew was a fluke. 99 times out of 100 it was not a fluke. I don't think I can think of a...
  14. Gory Elephant

    Metal Review Websites

    I could not agree more. Worm Gear used to be the absolute best, until they stopped with the paper distribution. It was HUGE, and totally packed with reviews. I loved it. Does anyone know of any decent print zines that still distribute, and will mail on request? The guy from Worm Gear was...