Recent content by graveaddiction

  1. graveaddiction

    Kreator vs Destruction vs Sodom

    I love em all but Kreator is my fave.. Plus their last two almbums are still as good as ever!
  2. graveaddiction


    Defintely a fan.. Very underrated band.. Hall of the Mountain King is an awesome album
  3. graveaddiction

    Is Megadeth Speed metal or Thrash?

    Definitely Thrash...
  4. graveaddiction

    Hellow fellow music enthusiasts and musicians!

    Hey there. Just wanted to introduce myself.. Been looking for a forum for a while hope it is fun here. Im Danny,Im from San Juan Puerto Rico. Been playing guitar and singing since Im 14 and Im into all kinds of rock genres.. Love it all! Thanks and have fun! Loking forard to reading and posting...
  5. graveaddiction

    CC DeVille - best 80s guitarist.

    Definitely not the best IMO but he is a very good guitar player.. he gets a bad rap for being in Poison but he is a very good guitar player.. Shouldve done some solo stuff