Recent content by GrimSaviour

  1. G

    Suggest bands that are like C.o.B

    Omnium Gatherum and Mors Principium est are two amazing gothenburg bands with a heavy similarity to bodom. check em out :D
  2. G

    What do you use to download music?

    is it possible for anyone to give me a brief outline on how to correclty get mp3's off of Undernet? what server you join, what the fucking basic triggers are... i've been rooting around there, and ive found no help whatsoever :) a small outline of how to would be very much appreciated.
  3. G

    Are You For or Against Clean Vox in Death/Black Metal?

    i will go with .. whatever sounds cool. i like a bit of diversity, and i feel that borknagar and bal sagoth do well with a mix of clean and trad black metal vocals.
  4. G


    sweet... i am coming to leeds next year for university... come on the metal laydeez :)
  5. G

    Your fave Thrash Metal bands

    i do quite enjoy some new thrash, In particular Dew Scented and No return... anyone suggest similar bands? very tight, almost verging on Death metal, not sludgy at all?
  6. G

    Have you been in a Gig with Corpse Paint?

    i wear corpsepaint at home, and maybe walking around at night near the house to wierd people out... ive been driving aorund with my mate wearing it and haveing white contacts, again, just for making people go "what?"! but i am an arty fucker, and i dont just do corpsepaint.. i just do...
  7. G

    Most Overrated Metal Band

    malmsteen... dio... LOL heheh... if any member of slipknot could pull an yngwie out of his repertoire, i would be a man surprised. Hell if ANY popular band could do that.. isnt it funny how the Lest talented bands are the most favoured by the masses? goes against a lot of common sense...
  8. G

    'NU Metal' - any takers?

    not ashamed to say i like a few nu metal acts, such as mushroomhead, American head chage, and some others.... I dont think it is the musical style of nu metal which is poor-i believe it is naieve to say any musical formations have an inherent lack of quality..but since it is the trend, many...
  9. G

    Symphonic Metal...?

    symphony X are superb. utilising extra instruments normally associated with classical music is great.. borknagar, although more like black metal, have a nice line in such business, with some great piano tomfoolery. I often think it would be a good idea to create a proper metal orchestra...
  10. G


    *feels the manowar* mmm :D umm, i believe that a certain amount of attitude and style has to go inot the metal, just as it is based on certain musical concepts, but that is similar to everything in this world.... everyone graviates towards similar ideals in the same ilk...... most...
  11. G

    Your favorite Power Metal anthems!

    Avantasia- The Final Sacrifice Kamelot- nights of Arabia Blind guardian- into The Storm/ The soulforged Helloween- Mr Torture
  12. G


    ;) you learn something new every day...heh
  13. G

    .:: Opinions on Fear Factory ::.

    I am going to be thoroughly controversial here, and say that I really liked Digimortal, and only vaguely enjoyed the first album. Cue a thousand cries of "SOO NOT METAL OMG FAG"... but yet, i care not. I feel that the production of the first album put me off. i liked the Clean edge of Fear...
  14. G


    first off.. humans like to classify and segregate into leat, nabelled categories. It is part of our nature.. it helps us to quantify and make decisions. Thus, we split massive genres types... anyone can tell that a jazz song is not metal, or rock is not trance. WE can easily hear the...
  15. G

    Favorite genres of Metal

    Power, Gothenburg, Death, straight up heavy Metal,black, ... then the rest.. i think.