Recent content by Grof

  1. Grof

    3 Word story game!

    without protection for
  2. Grof

    Best song in the world

    Trashed lost & strongout
  3. Grof

    3 Word story game!

    red light dildo
  4. Grof

    Intrepid - Hey I think i deserve it! CHECK!

    Just heard the song its good but you could make it a litle bit fasther but its good
  5. Grof

    Bodom NEED a DVD!!!!!

    Wow that would be nice if they made some instrukcions on the DVD but i think it eint gona hapen
  6. Grof

    Something wild-listeners!!

    Well i like Somthing wild
  7. Grof

    Bodom NEED a DVD!!!!!

    Well i hope that the new DVD that they are making will be longer then the 2 before O and i send them en e-mail of a link of my pic but there was no reply
  8. Grof

    Guitar Solo Living Dead Beat...WHAT THE HELL DOES HE PLAY?

    Hey who knows try to d/l a tab
  9. Grof

    got a COB Tattoo? Post a pic!

    Well i dont have one but ill get somthing wild tato
  10. Grof

    Young Guitar Beginners 06

    Well does some body know how many time do you need to be like alexi or roope?
  11. Grof

    CoB Sticker for Cars

    Well you can go to a sticker shop like those that make stickers and logos for firms you can get a sticker for 30 bucks
  12. Grof

    Alexi guitar picks