Recent content by Grovesy

  1. G

    MSRcast t shirts...

    Hey Evil C., that sounds like a great idea. I don't know if you would been keen to send any merchandise to Australia, but I'd buy a shirt..I'm a medium. Or anything that bears the slogan 'It's not for bitches!' :kickass: Love the show.
  2. G

    Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I need help with scat singing

    I think if you wanted to truly create a jazz metal fusion then you'd basically have something like 'improvised metal'. Everyone forgets that Jazz, at its core, is about improvisation. The second most important part of it is probably its swing rhythms. I can't see death growl scat singing...
  3. G

    What makes it METAL ???

    I think the thing that has been ignored so far (as far as i can tell) is that metal is generally a riff-based style of music. It usually involves (but obviously is not limited to) the performing media of electric guitar, bass, drums and vocalist; with the use of guitar distortion a very common...
  4. G

    Use of Melody in Metal

    First of all, as someone has said earlier, 'Circle of the Tyrants' is not in any sense 'atonal.' It constantly refers back to a tonal centre and it is the fact that it has this tonal centre that gives each chord its own character. The tonal centre is E, and this is the reason Bb5 sounds ugly...
  5. G

    Jamming in real time on the net

    There's a free program called eJamming (do a google search) that lets you jam with other people in real time, as well as record together. I haven't used it myself cause I haven't got a usb input for my guitar yet but I hear it's pretty good.
  6. G

    Beginner Guitar Songs

    Obituary - Killing Time Opeth - Master's Apprentices (first riff) Incantation - Ibex Moon
  7. G

    Beginner Guitar Songs

    Obviously Black Sabbath are a goldmine for easy metal songs to play, Iron Man or Paranoid will get you headbanging in no time. Katatonia are another good band for easy-ish guitar songs, some of the stuff off of their album Discouraged Ones is good if you like that kind of music. I teach...
  8. G

    Why does everyone say DM is easy to play?

    People miss the point when they judge music on how hard it is to play. If anything, one should consider the originality of the ideas, the way they're strung together, and that kind of thing. Ingeniuity takes real genius while technicality just takes a lot of practise. Personally I think...
  9. G


    Lately a local radio station has been playing 'Cemetery and Sundown' of the new COF album and I can't believe how much I like it..I've never liked COF before but does anyone else think that it's a great song? I mean I'm not saying it's the pinnacle of all metal but is it not catchy as hell?
  10. G

    Iron Maiden's first show in North America-set list

    Haha, c'mon. You get to see Iron Maiden. Stop complaining :P
  11. G

    Who's your current solo artiste?

    Definately Elliott Smith.. But Ani Difranco and Nick Drake are up there.
  12. G


    Hey all, I'm doing music extension at school next year, which basically requires me to write a 3000 word essay about..well something to do with music. So I was thinking that it would be best if I did it on avante-garde metal, because for one thing i'm very interested in it, and also because...
  13. G


    I used to love them, though I haven't heard anything recently. Never knew what to classify them as.
  14. G

    Moral and Scientific Progress

    I think you are missing the context of Genesis 1 here a little - mankind was at this point perfect and effectively without their selfish nature. Hence, this instruction from God was not to ruthlessly extract oneself from nature and abuse it, but rather to recognise one's place at the top of the...
  15. G

    Do Your Local FM Radio Stations Play Heavy Metal?

    Here in Australia we have Full Metal Racket on Triple J every tuesday night, such a godsend. Nothing can describe how happy I was the night I discovered full metal racket.