Recent content by GrumpyDwarf

  1. GrumpyDwarf

    Hey lizard, we have something else in common!

    'sup bitches
  2. GrumpyDwarf

    Erik, Naglfar is opening for Dark Funeral in Feb. 2006

    Well aren't you special?
  3. GrumpyDwarf

    There is nothing better than re-discovering classic fucken METAL albums

    I would agree with this. Where do you put Grave?
  4. GrumpyDwarf

    Just reserved a flight to HEATHEN CRUSADE part 17

    If he can play air guitar like him, he's still got a chance.
  5. GrumpyDwarf

    And now for something completely different...

    As soon as someone says this, you just know they're lying :tickled: Except for me, of course. I just thought you all would like a taste of what I sample regularly. :worship:
  6. GrumpyDwarf

    Just reserved a flight to HEATHEN CRUSADE part 17

    I feel bad for anyone who looks like that guy.
  7. GrumpyDwarf

    There is nothing better than re-discovering classic fucken METAL albums

    I know, can you believe it? That markgugs is such a dork!
  8. GrumpyDwarf

    And now for something completely different...

    The internet rules.
  9. GrumpyDwarf

    Hay guys, what's going on in this here forum?

    Well yeah. How else do you piss on your mate's leg?
  10. GrumpyDwarf

    And now for something completely different... no password, it's just a BB
  11. GrumpyDwarf

    And now for something completely different...

    I don't know, it's some group of skanks from Florida State, they're all over the FSU football BB. Don't ask how I know this. :tickled:
  12. GrumpyDwarf

    And now for something completely different...

    It's just you.
  13. GrumpyDwarf


    Oh yeah. OFF WIT' YER HEAD!!!