Recent content by gypsyshred

  1. gypsyshred

    Manitou - Entrance

    I purchased Entrance from that website. It's the real deal Holyfield. I'm not sure of your nationality, but I paid about $33 usd w/shipping. I hope Exit, the unreleased sees the light of day. There is some exceptional tuneage on it. Maybe if I go in on it with that billionaire whose hiring SA...
  2. gypsyshred

    Best Technical Progressive Album !!!

    Who is this Co Conspirator you speak of, and do you have a link? -Thanx
  3. gypsyshred


    I noticed you have a couple of clips taken from various shows on the website. Is there anymore video footage lying around the cutting room floor...perhaps next to those Manitou demos?
  4. gypsyshred

    Andreas Jonsson

    I couldn't agree with you more. I find it disheartening to listen to music, open up the booklet & see a bass player, but hear no bass. I think the bass sounds great on ASU. One of the many reasons I like fusion is because there is good separation...and the bass is all up in my grill. :)
  5. gypsyshred

    Why is Spiral Architect so good?

    I can't add anymore to the band's praises than what has already been mentioned, but I will say that Oyvind is my favorite "metal" singer. Scariot sounds better with him & I'm a big fan of Manitou. However, it tis' a shame to let all of that unreleased material got to waste from Manitou "Exit"...
  6. gypsyshred


    I actually prefer the A.S.U. version of "Fountainhead" to the demo, but "Purpose" is rolling down the windows and crankin' up the tunes kinda good...if you're into that sorta thing :)
  7. gypsyshred

    awsome bass player check it out

    "Between the Music and Latitude" sounds good to me. I noticed their last demo states, CD Not For Sale. Will this new disc be released for public consumption, & if so, when? Signed, Nothing to listen to
  8. gypsyshred

    Ron's Video's

    You damn right. Perhaps this can be released in the near future? That'll give me an excuse to shelve all this great "progressive" keyboard metal.
  9. gypsyshred

    Spastic Ink lyrics?

    Personally, I think the dude is in his mid 40's and lives with his mom. It's all a front to get a $15 Cd. Having that said, what does he need the lyrics for anyway? Is he going to get in front of the mirror in the morning before school and lip sinc to Spastic tunes prior to Home Room. How much...
  10. gypsyshred

    Ron! About your project with thrash/death metal dudes

    The Tower stuff does sound good. Thanx for the bone Ron. :rock: I like the name Spastic Lamb Corpse just for the visualization of what the CD artwork would depict and the fact that I don't have an original idea in my whole body. :grin:
  11. gypsyshred

    New Interview w/Ron...Great WT News

    SPASTIC INK - Math Metal To The Extreme [Riff Notes - 04.10.10 02:35:23] BW&BK recently caught up with SPASTIC INK/WATCHTOWER guitarist Ron Jarzombek - the brother of ex-HALFORD/ICED EARTH drummer Bobby - to discuss the latest Spastic Ink album, Ink Compatible. Over the course of the...
  12. gypsyshred

    Peppered Cancer?

    I recently traded mp3s with another dude and he sent me "Peppered Cancer" & "School." I felt production on both were quite thin. However, I own the Japanese pressing of Ink Compatible which has the bonus track "A Quick Affix," which actually is "Peppered Cancer," with better production.
  13. gypsyshred

    code666 POLL - upcoming releases

    So, has Aghora broken up....again? Is "Formless" still going to be released in 2004? Any current news Emi? I've heard various info. All very discouraging.
  14. gypsyshred

    Thoughts on Ink Compatible

    You know, I envied all of you guys for having this Cd a month before I did. I waited longer so I could order it from Japan and get the bonus track, "A Quick Affix" (BTW, an excellent inst). I agree with the fact that the "spoken word" parts become overkill at times. I mean, I don't mind it at...
  15. gypsyshred

    code666 POLL - upcoming releases

    When my friends and I first heard Aghora we were blown away. We had never heard anything quite like them before. But now, it's almost like Watch Tower "Mathematics." Everytime we hear they are going to release their new LP, we're like yeah and rainbows yield gold.