Recent content by halwaya

  1. halwaya

    what are you reading?

    I read "The Unbearable lightness of being" (again) by Milan Kundera
  2. halwaya

    Does anyone know who this is?

    Do you mean this video? It is Rammstein
  3. halwaya

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    I get on very well with different people who are not into metal (some of my mates at work, my friends I've known for years..) but same - not everyone who is into metal is my soulmate, not even close sometimes. Same passion doesn't mean you are made for each other and you will get on very well...
  4. halwaya

    i'm so frustrated!!

    I'd also book a few lessons with a driver instructor. It helped me a lot when I moved to UK (when there is left hand drive system)
  5. halwaya

    Does your girlfriend/wife listen to Metal?

    Normally I wouldn't put any comment in that thread, but the last post made me think.. Is it a really important for you to have a partner who enjoys the same music as you do? I would never put it as a main factor. Of course people could be different depend on music they enjoy (and as Vossyrus...
  6. halwaya

    You and your shower habbits

    I usually take shower in a public places such as: gym. So it happens I am among other naked ladies. It is better not to have any habbits then ;) At home I use the bath only. You cannot really read while having a shower ;)
  7. halwaya

    Good Polish Metal?

    "The third album of Abused Majesty was again recorded in Hertz studio. Undoubtedly, it is the most mature album of all, taking into account both: music and lyrics. Different members and better experience made music on "Serpenthrone" not only much more fierce and brisk, but also better arranged...
  8. halwaya

    Good Polish Metal?

    yes, 2 weeks ago I saw Vader - they are great live indeed
  9. halwaya

    Good Polish Metal?

    VENEDAE "Siedem Kamiennych Oblicz" CD 2002 (Eastside Records) -yes that album is one of my favourite but please do not miss ABUSED MAJESTY "Serpenthrone" CD 2004 and I know what I am talking about, as I am POLISH :grin:
  10. halwaya

    You know what guys, I really envy you...

    if that was a true reason - no band would come to USA :loco:
  11. halwaya

    Good Polish Metal?

    :hotjump: Decapitation, Abused Majesty, Lost Soul, Hate, Behemoth, Crionics, Yattering, Vader, Devilyn, Hell-Born... etc.etc.etc. Poland has so many good bands.. so you should improve your collection!
  12. halwaya

    You know what guys, I really envy you...

    i've been told european bands don't really enjoy touring in USA in Europe they have much better conditions
  13. halwaya

    finding a job

    Our nurses also find it hard to get a job - they decide to work getting lower paid, some are leaving to other countries.. I think this situation is sick. Hospitals should hire well educated stuff. Economy isn't that important in this case. Sadly money makes the world around.
  14. halwaya

    finding a job

    eh, i've graduated univ this year.. and it isn't any better, here where i live anyway.. i am master of science - enviromental engineer (no experience!) and still it is hopeless.. i cannot find anything in my field or any relative. i got some training job into law enforcement - doing the...
  15. halwaya


    weed? no, thanks air is what i inhale ;)