Recent content by Hansa-Pils

  1. Hansa-Pils

    The new Amon Amarth Sound.

    Production is overrated!^^ :D When the Music, lyrics and arrangements is shitty even a good production wont save it from a failure, i think it mostly depends on how good are your vision who is behind a Album, and vs does this with bravour, just everything on this Album is sheer perfect...
  2. Hansa-Pils

    Surtur Rising Reviews

    Yay, fuck, this album is just awesome, thats the amon amarth how i like em! Scheiss auf!!! Cheers Das gute Ruhrpott pils!:)
  3. Hansa-Pils

    Own Pictures

    i dont know, im just a beer!^^
  4. Hansa-Pils

    Own Pictures

    It´s me!:grin:
  5. Hansa-Pils

    The new Amon Amarth Sound.

    The old noisy Sound rules much more than this so calling "viking-metal-shit-ensiferum-power-metal-death-metal horse crab"!:D
  6. Hansa-Pils

    Wacken 2010

    I prefer Rock hard festival for its fair prices and great band choices year after year.:) Or party.san is great too, has very fair prices.;) btw: Wacken is not metal!
  7. Hansa-Pils

    Senior Trip

    Flensburger Pils Ftw!:) Cheers Hansa
  8. Hansa-Pils

    New Songs Up on My Bands Page!

    Sorry, for being so aggressive, but it pisses me off when someone says that i am a troll, just because i dont like the new sound/production. Its just my opinion ok, cause i dont say to you guys that you are trolls, just because you like the new production/stuff. and in return, i didn´t say...
  9. Hansa-Pils

    New Songs Up on My Bands Page!

    and you are just a stupid kid that thinks it is so evil because it listens to metal! go and listen to nightwish and dimmu burger you asshole fucktard!
  10. Hansa-Pils

    New Songs Up on My Bands Page!

    Very good, better than any of the new stuff from aa today, good production. this is exactly what amon amarth would sound like if they got their balls back.;) Cheers Hansa
  11. Hansa-Pils

    The new Amon Amarth Sound.

    @AeonicSlumber @Vehemens You guys get the idea!;) I really hope the next album will get a rawer production like their "avenger" or their "the crusher" album. In my opinion death metal shouldn´t sound like ensiferum, so please aa get the sound back that once brought me into metal...
  12. Hansa-Pils

    Death Metal Bands

    If you guys like death metal with chainsaw like riffs and a bit of doom metal influenced, then check out this one: listen to the song "the shadowpath" its very great!;)
  13. Hansa-Pils


    i agree with that, either way i think it´s a great song.
  14. Hansa-Pils

    Suicidal/Depressive Black Metal?

    Lifelover;) btw.:Niklas kvarfort is a prick!
  15. Hansa-Pils

    The new Amon Amarth Sound.

    I even missed the doom metal elements and the more varied singing in the new sound, it always has aa make something special according to all other bands of that genre.:) but now i think they sound a bit like ensiferum, which for me sound like power metal with death metal growling. i agree.