Recent content by harrisbass

  1. harrisbass

    Donations and other news..

    I've posted this on UKThrash, but will post here as well: Announcement Link:
  2. harrisbass

    Donations and other news..

    Cheers, hopefully we can get a good amount together. Out of respect, I'm not going to mention numbers or amounts, because (as cheesy as it sounds) it's the thought that counts, not how much. Donations are open to anyone and everyone - there's no need to have a UKThrash forum account to donate :)
  3. harrisbass

    Donations and other news..

    Thanks Siobhan, it would be great to get this out to other metal forums as well. There's no "final total" in mind, and we will continue collecting for as long as the donations keep coming. Once the donations slow down, we will switch back to donations, however if anyone still...
  4. harrisbass

    Donations and other news..

    This is Craig (co-admin of here, Yep, all donations made to our PayPal account will be held from now until the time comes to hand the funds to Mike's family (or a charity of their choice). You can either click on the Donate button on the left-hand side of our site at...
  5. harrisbass

    Well done Saxon for a kickass gig last night at the Astoria

    Twas indeed a kin amazing show. Here are some photos I managed to get during the gig: