Recent content by HarvesterOfSorrow334

  1. H

    Sorry.. another Metallica post

    i think that downloading an album is ok only when you cant find it in stores, like they are from another country or something, otherwise just buy the album, you cheap-asses!
  2. H

    Metallica "St.Anger" album MP3s

    ah yes, lurch's fantasy of the devil jerking himself off ...j/k...that's a funny pick, i must admit
  3. H

    Sorry.. another Metallica post

    most likely it is not, but if i were in a band, i wouldnt want people getting something i worked my ass off to make for should just go buy the album, its not that much....(a lot of people make a big deal over nothing) well, c ya..ozzy saves and keep musci evil
  4. H

    Metallica "St.Anger" album MP3s

    wow, some people who dont think metallica sucks...taht makes me all warm inside....uh yeah, you should buy the album...there's always the chance of downloading the cparry bootleg version....
  5. H

    Metal Up Your Ass!!!!!

    METAL METAL METAL UP YOUR ASS, BABY! Tired of crappy nu-metal polluting the airwaves? sick of hearing people talk about undeground bands, then it ends up being a crappy rap/metal act? well i got just the thing! you know how great this is? this IS metal, y'know why? because they have metal in...