Recent content by Hatebreeder8

  1. H

    Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

    Please keep your expectations in check. Helsinki has much worse museums, architecture and beer prices than a city like Amsterdam. That will definitely not happen. It's certainly possible that some core aspects of their current sound will change with a new keyboardist, but an album with...
  2. H

    Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

    I have been fan since before FTR was released. Seen them live more times than I can count, probably 20+. Spent time with the guys many times, backstage and otherwise. Have shared a whole bottle of booze with Alexi in a small bar toilet (no homo). Of course it's extremely sad to see them split...
  3. H

    Hate Crew Deathroll to be played in full next year

    Well, nothing of this sort will happen now, but I will still give my opinion. FTR is arguably a better album than HCDR, but I consider TCH & LBRH to be better songs than TOMS & NC. I know they already played Lil' Bloodred, but that was only on the very first gigs after the album came out (in...
  4. H

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    Would also add that the intro perfectly sets the mood for the albums lyrics. Hexed (in my opinion) has the best lyrics Alexi has ever written. Not that high of a bar I guess, but they feel very genuine. For instance, I don't think UGAC that good musically, but the lyrics moves it up a few notches.
  5. H

    Requesting you all to do the same, lets ask for an live DVD recording on the last COB show

    It's almost nostalgic to see this kind of enthusiasm these days, when almost noone supports anything beyond clicking the like button on social media with a dead look in their eyes. Hails!
  6. H

    Requesting you all to do the same, lets ask for an live DVD recording on the last COB show

    Even if my previous post was pessimistic, I did support the initiative and sent emails. Joonas in right that there is no market for DVD:s anymore, However, even if it's an old and obsolete formast (at least in first world countries) it has MUCH better audio quality than fucking Jewtube videos...
  7. H

    Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

    I was at Tuska 2003 (the last show with Ale). Still remember how sad I felt after he unexpectedly quit the band that night. Alexi had said that they would dissolve the band if a single member quit. Obviously that didn't happen, but it was different to see the band after that. I had already seen...
  8. H

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    All the post HCDR-albums have been hit or miss for me. Great songs here and there on all of them, but in general they are much worse than the first four. With that said, I think Hexed is the best one from all of them. The proper way to listen is to start the album with the Intro-song (hidden at...
  9. H

    Tokyo warhearts/Club Citta bootleg

    I used to trade bootleg videos with a lot of people back in the day. Have a big collection of DVD:s, most received via the postal system (before the days of universal high-speed internet.) Have seen a lots and lots of lists with rare shows and shows that people were forbidden from sharing with...
  10. H

    Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

    Will be attending 1-3 of the finnish shows, depending on circumstances. Going to be VERY interesting to see what the setlists will be, especially on the final gig in Helsinki. Would be awesome if they played some of the rarer HCDR songs that they would have needed to rehearse for the canceled...
  11. H

    Requesting you all to do the same, lets ask for an live DVD recording on the last COB show

    I don't believe the issue here is the cost of filming. We do not know if the band are on good terms with one another, or if they are motivated to rehearse seriously before the last tour. The last shows they have played were not exatly their best performances. It's even possible that the mood is...