Recent content by Hater.

  1. Hater.

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    Of all the groups you mentioned, the only one I've ever found enjoyable to listen to is Noisia. Of course Spor, ParagonX9, and Chase and Status all make some of the best dnb.
  2. Hater.


    Systematic Riffage - 8/10, I love Blind Guardian and I found that the song was great. Satanist Hobo - Who hasn't heard that song? It's not their best, but Distrubed is good, 6/10 EDIT: My bad Destructo Pat, you must have posted while I was typing my reply, anyway, the song wasn't...
  3. Hater.

    You laugh, you lose

    First five pages = nothing, not even a smile. The Facepunch forums have a thread exactly like this, only difference is that theirs had me laughing my ass off. Way to fail guys.
  4. Hater.

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    If you don't like Pendulum, you have no taste in music.
  5. Hater.

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I wish I could punch some of you fuckers for your idiotic opinions as well.
  6. Hater.

    Controversial opinions on metal

    If you read carefully and noticed, it wasn't merely 'random' hate, it's a broad overview of the bands that fit into such a category, that is if you noticed the 'groups like' before the 'Cannibal Corpse'. Which in reality, is not singling Cannibal Corpse out, but bands that have similar music...
  7. Hater.

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    Ah, the typical "the universe is infinite, so there must be life." view. Please tell me exactly what the reasoning is behind your assurance being 95% that life exists.
  8. Hater.

    Who gets the last word in?

    Last words.
  9. Hater.

    My bands debut EP

    Your stuff is good, maybe a little generic, and sometimes it could be a bit more complicated or boosted to sound a bit better, but for the most part, it sounded good.
  10. Hater.


    I give it a 5/10. Not terrible, but didn't catch my attention either. There is such a thing as too much snare drum in a song. Beautiful Death by Wintersun
  11. Hater.

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Well all I have to say is at least Five Finger Death Punch has coherency to their music. More so than the shit that groups like Cannibal Corpse produce. Talk about no musical coherency when it comes to instrumentation.