Recent content by HaveCool69

  1. HaveCool69

    Extended Putrefaction - 5th Stage of Death (Slam/Gore)

    Our debut EP "5th Stage of Death" was released June 27th through...
  2. HaveCool69

    Extended Putrefaction - 5th Stage of Death (Slam/Gore)

    Our debut EP "5th Stage of Death" was released June 27th through...
  3. HaveCool69

    Don't Fuck With The Bear - Rise of the Octobear

    We are a thrash/death/groove metal band from the Midwestern United States featuring two members of the band Unmericful. To spare you the details the band has been on the backburner for the last 7 years due to my own medical issues. We are looking to pull everything back together and get active...
  4. HaveCool69

    My band from London UK

    Awesome man! I agree w/Nuno the guitars sound a bit thin, but my guitar tone sucks balls at the moment so i really have no room to talk. I like the vocals a lot, though they sound a bit loud to me compared to everything else in the mix. Very cool though, I'd definitely come see you guys live if...
  5. HaveCool69

    My first try at mixing w/PT

    Thanks man! lol didn't actually do any recording w/the mic pointed at the floor. Other parts of the video show how i have it set up now w/a pop screen in front of it. I've never recorded vocals before so i more or less had to wing it with info from this forum and searching around on the...
  6. HaveCool69

    New mix of a Red Seas Fire track - Groove/Electro metal

    Sounds killer! I'd love to hear this with vocals. Wish I had the ability to make my songs sound this tight, unfortunately I've got a ton of learning to do to even come close to touching this. I've heard mixes from local Studios here in Kansas that don't even sound this good. :notworthy :rock:
  7. HaveCool69

    My first try at mixing w/PT

    also here's a video of the same song that i made from when we were recording the vocals. Used Superior drummer for the drums on this one though.
  8. HaveCool69

    Recording, mixing and mastering In Flames´ Episode 666

    Sounds awesome man! Really dig the vocals :kickass:
  9. HaveCool69

    My first try at mixing w/PT

    I used to use cubase and never really tried mixing before. always just threw stuff together, tweaked volumes/pans, etc. I've been messing around w/Pro Tools lately trying to record a few songs for my band. Anyway, here's a clip from one of the songs I'm working on. I used Slate Drums, My BC Rich...