Recent content by hbk_kid

  1. hbk_kid

    Merry Christmas From Theocracy!

    To you all, Merry Christmas!! and soon, a happy 2007! Regine
  2. hbk_kid

    Advise please?!

    Hey I am in the progress of making/trying to make a christian band (very small and simple (yet)), i allready started writing some lyrics, so i was wondering if you might have some comments/advise for me I am your servant: Take all that I am And use me for your plans Here as I now stand...
  3. hbk_kid

    The New Album Thread

    I can't wait for your new album When i first heard your song 'theocracy' i was so, amazed, i just had to listen to it about 20 times, and i still like it. it takes a lot for me to like a song after listening to it that many times. So it's only recently i've gotten into your music. I want to buy...