Recent content by Headbanging Reaper

  1. Headbanging Reaper

    Wherever I May Roam...

    God I am so jealous! I wanna see Metallica this summer!Its been 2 years for me :(...Oh well Have fun Jenna!
  2. Headbanging Reaper

    Route 666 Tour rolls on thru WA & OR!

    It's cloudy here in Oregon right now..It's suppose to be clear on Sunday in Portland and in the upper 70's
  3. Headbanging Reaper

    Route 666 Tour rolls on thru WA & OR!

    O.K. thanks...I checked thier web site and there was no time....I'll give them a call today. Thanks Linda!
  4. Headbanging Reaper

    Route 666 Tour rolls on thru WA & OR!

    What time does the show start on The June 18th show -Rock 'n roll Pizza in Portland?
  5. Headbanging Reaper


    OHH HELL YEAH!!! Just let us know where and when~!
  6. Headbanging Reaper

    The "Which Eddie Are You?" quiz

    7th son of a 7th son baby! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  7. Headbanging Reaper

    Northern California Dates???????

    And maybe an PNW stop or 2? :D
  8. Headbanging Reaper

    Metallica news

    I have all of metallica's cds...I must not be into metal....what a load of shit. Some of us were not lucky enough to see Metallica play the "vintage " shows..Some of us dont live in San Fran. or were even old enough to get in. I pretty sure that I cant even name one Death Angel song besides a...
  9. Headbanging Reaper


    Yes happy birthday! MIne is in 5 days...Knock back a few!
  10. Headbanging Reaper

    Metallica news

    Metallica didnt do the Icon show....Mtv did and I totally agree with you that it sucked...But hey what do you expect from a channel that brings you nothing but lame reality shows and rap videos? Enter Sandman?! Come on even the fans dislike that song...Id boo too! Booing of Metallica at a...
  11. Headbanging Reaper

    Metallica news

    You know who else changed thier sound......The Beatles.....I suppose they sold out as well? Sticking to you roots could also mean your afraid to step out of what is easy for you to do...To me making what everyone else wants to hear is selling out. Do I love the new Metallica......not so...
  12. Headbanging Reaper

    Metallica news

    I like Metallica.....and so do others here.....If thats a crime then lock me up.What makes someone a sell out anyway? Megadeth did a cd called Risk...It was more mainstream...did they sell out? The Iron Maidens made a cd...did they sell out? Ac/Dc sold more copies of Back in Back than any other...
  13. Headbanging Reaper

    concert summer

    I saw Priest on the 4th of July! They were amazing! I had to wait 25 years to see them...Man what a show!
  14. Headbanging Reaper

    Another PNW tour?

    O.K. you guys said you were gonna try and make it back up this way before the end of summer I thought.....
  15. Headbanging Reaper

    Another PNW tour?

    Any chance there is going to be another PNW tour? :wave: